RIP Richard Hatch


You were my idol when I was young. It was always Apollo, not Starbuck, I pretended to be while riding my banana seat bike around our neighborhood.
Thanks for carrying the BSG flag for so many years.
You will always be my Apollo.
Thank you for everything.
You will be missed.
May you pilot your Viper straight and true into that long good night.
And May the Gods be with you.
This cylon sheds another tear this day.

-The Lonely Toaster

This is one of the few celebrity deaths of late that made me sad…the man had a passion and a love for this show (in both forms) you rarely if ever see in an actor…being the lone one to pick up the mantle after ABC and NBC did this franchise wrong was beyond admirable and making himself apart of the re-imagined version just made it better… a 21-gun salute from Galactica is in order here!

So say we all.