Rewatch of favorite episodes so far

It could have been placed higher very easily, here’s my runners up list.
11. This Place is Death
12. The Brig
13. Deus Ex Machina
14. Exodus, Part 2
15. Exodus, Part 1
16. Flashes Before Your Eyes
17. The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
18. Jughead
19. Pilot
20. Two for the Road

Yeah…another one of the epic scenes.

Haha, poor Gary Troup not hearing Charlie’s, or was it Jack’s advise.:smiley:

Do you have all of Giacchino’s scores? The music brings so much emotion to the series.

Pants issues, Banjo issues…

I remember seeing Cindy talking to Locke in The Brig. And wasn’t Ben telling Alpert at the end of Season 3 to lead his group to the Temple? Maybe we’ll find them there this season.

Finally he had the upper hand over Ben.

Ok, thanks for clearing this up. So many details to remember…

Which was followed when no bullet came out of the pistol about 10 episodes later.

Time-delayed healing, eh? Or only place-specified.

Sorry to disappoint, but it only ranked on 22. Since Nestor is a series regular this season, we should find out the answer to that question.:slight_smile:

The countdown continues with
Number 6: There’s No Place Like Home Part 2 and 3 (Season 4 Episode 13)
To include more images, I’ll split this season finale into two posts.

Why? All the Oceanic 6 characters were scattered across the Island, but through a mastermind of writing they all ended up on the helicopter. Even the helicopter leaving was a powerful scene. We all thot that scene would be the end of the series when LOST hast started. Sayid kicking Keamy’s sorryBarb, John/Jack conversation at the Orchid, Ben turning the FDW (frozen donkey wheel), Jin’s “death” and Sun’s reaction to it, Penny/Des reunion and some mindblowing flashforward scenes including the big whopper with John in the casket…do I need to go on and on?

Bad continuity of Jack’s beard from the scenes at the S3 and S4 finale with Kate.
How did that big pile of C4 get past security unnoticed?! Keamy really went the safe way with all the obstacles to disarm the C4.
Wanna see more of Frank and love how Keamy’s henchmen are taken out by Richard’s people. Oh and we again hear the Whispers in that scene. Keamy will never be a good football player…kicking the grenade to his own man. :smiley: BTW, they should have checked the helicopter before taking of due to all the shooting around it.
Miss that Sayid action scenes. Twisting neck with his feet…anyone? Alpert should have known that Keamy was wearing a bullet-proof vest! That “My pleasure” line from Alpert wasn’t very convincing.
Walt’s grandma is really unsympathetic. Ahhhh, Sawyer getting nice and coming back fur Hurley. No wonder what a great leader he did become in season 5.
I LOOOOVE this scene between Jack & Locke. And Locke is so 100 % right in that conversation: “And what am I supposed to do? Oh, I think I remember. What was it that you said on the way out to the hatch–that crashing here was our destiny?” “You know, Jack. You know that you’re here for a reason. You know it. And if you leave this place, that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out…until you decide to come back.” and “Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they’ll believe you.”
There was a time after an mobisode when I believed Michael was the father of Sun’s baby. Crazy in retrospect. Ohhh, Dan with his tie. Why did he has to go? But I think we’ll see him again. Miles mind reading power, could he has gotten it since he was still in close proximity to the Island when the Incident occurred?
Haha, not the “magic box”. Casimir effect, experiments in space and time and negatively charged exotic matter = mindsplosion! When the video is in playback mode, do you also see that Lockes body is moving in a faster than normal speed? “Hey. Uh… was he talking about what I think he was talking about?”“If you mean time-travelling bunnies, then yes.” PURE GOLD
BTW, they should have checked the helicopter before taking of due to all the shooting around it. Still get chills seeing the heli leaves the Island and the music playing.

Trying to lure Ben out, with the prospect of the dead mans switch killing innocent people, is really the completely wrong approach. Ben killing Keamy

Ohhhhhh, Charlotte giving Dan a kiss. Another story that’ll end tragic.
Sawyer is so such better than Jack. Or he just has nothing left in the outside world (except for Clementine) that he cares about which results in him leaving the chopper.

End of Part 2, for Part 3 see my next post…

…and here are my thots on There’s No Place Like Home Part 3

Killer Sayid with his pretty hair. Santo Rosa looks very abandoned at 8:15 PM. That still keeps bugging me, in the Season 5 FFs, Locke never told the Oceanic 6 that he had an alias named Jeremy Bentham! Hurley playing chess with Mr. Eko, also another mystery.
Ben, you know that you can’t kill Widmore! It’s against “the rules”. Do you also sometimes say the lines of the characters aloud? Like when Des sees the chopper and mutters “Oh, bloody hell”? Whispers and Christian, can’t be a good sign. Goodbye Michael.
That boat exploding sequence SIMPLY WOW! And Yunjin Kim’s acting…totally heartbreaking. Jack’s worst bedside manner EVER with his “He’s gone!” line.
No wonder she’s so cold when we see Sun in London. But she still has her ring on her finger. Do you remember how/when Sun learned about Widmore? Yeah…who also left the Island…hehe?
Awesome that she grabbed a bottle of Dharma Rum.

Everybody who has moved the Island has come back…well John not like he would have hoped. Seeing Ben in the parka, we already know where he would end up in “The Shape Of Things To Come”. Ben must have so been lying…but wait…he didn’t knew that the Island would be skipping through time. So was it coincidence or intentional when he moved the FDW? And the ice cave with the FDW and hieroglyphs…what have Darlton smoked to get such a friggin fantastic idea? There’s some smoke coming from the inside of the wheel. You can see it in the bird eye’s shot when Ben is grabbing it for the first time.
Another highlight from the series, Ben pushing the FDW = giving me goosebumps.

Do you think that Alpert knows what is happening?
How convenient that everybody lives. Besides Aaron, Desmond and Frank, Jacob has touched the other people on the chopper. May that has something to do with it? I really thot that they’ve killed of Desmond there. Gladly I was wrong.
Creepy Claire…at least she’ll be happy that Kate didn’t bring Aaron back. Is it normal to sleep with the lights still on in the corridors?
Jack, your deceiving yourself is outta this world! Or do you have a better explanation what happened with the Island disappearing?! Ah, Frank spots Penny’s boat, so we’ll never find out.
The Penny/Desmond reunion, after The Constant I think I’m again tearing up a bit. Oh Des, don’t give her promises you can’t hold!
What role will Frank play in this new season? At the end of “There’s No Place Like Home” it looked like we wouldn’t see him again. Fate or coincidence that he’s the pilot on the Ajira flight?
Jack saying “Don’t let him find you, Desmond.” Who’s he talking about? Ben, Locke, Widmore or somebody else? And following a reference to their first meeting in the stadium (Season 2 premiere flashback).
As crappy Jack looks in the last scene, his music taste is great. First Scentless Apprentice and now Gouge Away. Hoffs/Drawlar is an anagram for Flash Forward :wink:
Wow, emo Ben all in black. And he certainly can get Kate to come back (aka. the lawyers in Season 5).
NOT LOCKE!!! They even filmed Josh and Henry in the coffin so that the big cliffhanger wouldn’t be spotted that easily.

Normally I’m not known for my writing habits, but LOST gives me an opportunity to write such things down. Thanks for reading and tomorrow I’ll continue.

Every time I hear that scream it tears a piece out of me. Apparently Yunjin Kim lost her voice afterwards. Thank Jacob for the Frenchies huh :smiley:

Took me a few seconds to understand what you’re meaning. Viva la France:D

Back with my Number 5: The Shape Of Things To Come (Season 4 Episode 9)

Why? We saw what happened to Ben after he turned the FDW, especially the last scene between him and Widmore set up so much for the rest of the series. The crazy attack on the barracks, with Claire maybe being killed in it. Ben summonding Smokey and being completely in shock after watching his adopted daughter Alex being shot in the head!

Ray, the Doctor’s body washing up on the shore. First bad sign for the Losties.
Hurley’s “Australia’s the key to the whole game.”…that must be a clue for us fans, doesn’t it? HAHAHA, shotgun under the piano chair, Classic Ben.
That was so mind-blowing. Seeing Ben in a parka in the desert like he was beamed from an cold place there. And using his baton to attack the riders. Were they Widmore’s men like the ones that took Locke?
Funny as ever, watching the redshirts leaving the house and getting shot. :smiley: That was one of the best action scenes of the series, and Claire couldn’t have survived that blast. Do you think she died back there?
Will we ever see “Dean Moriarty’s” first visit to Tunesia? Oh no, Nadia died! Which we saw in the last episode how that happened. Jacob knew that she would be killed. But he only saved Sayid. Which again turned him into a hitman,…maybe so he would shoot Young Ben and the events occurred how they should?
Do we know if Widmore really is behind Nadia’s murder? Ben being the perfect manipulator!! After being tortured by Sayid in Season 2 he recruits him for his own means.
The scene between Keamy and Ben. WOW!! Did you ever expect to see Alex’s execution on the show?!

“He changed the rules!” Now Ben is really pissed and goes to the Egyptian stone door. Go them em, Smokey! No wonder how frenzy he’ll knife him in the finale.
How they transform Hawaii into all the different places of the world still amazes me. Sayid still unloading the remaining 5 bullets into the already killed goon. I wonder if Sayid can still redeem himself after how many people he has shot.
“You all right, sweetheart?” “Yeah, a bit wobbly, but, uh, I’ll live.” “Well, I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Miles knows that she isn’t alive!!
YAY, train-Smokey arriving, but I was disappointed that it didn’t kill Keamy’s men. Maybe Ben has not that much power over it and it decides itself who to kill.
Very emotional when Ben says goodbye to the only person he really cared about.
I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t Jacob (in the form of Christian) that told them to move the Island. Sawyer caring about Hurley, who could have seen that in season 1?
The scene between Widmore and Ben was the first filmed outside the USA. And it is so full of unsaid things and bad-sorryBarb!!! What went through your minds watching it? I just got the impression that Ben and Widmore are fighting a proxy war for Jacob and Anti-Jacob. But I can’t figure out who is on whose side.
WOW, I’ve never noticed it before but besides the bed is the painting of the Black Rock that Widmore bought in The Constant!

Just missing the podium here’s my Number 4: Live Together, Die Alone (Season 2 Episode 23)
split again in two parts

Why? Desmond’s return to the Island, Michael’s betrayal, seeing the four-toed-statue food, Benry revealing his real self, all the craziness happening at the Swan including the opening of the dam. Meeting Widmore and Penny for the first time, seeing Libby again. Desmond’s adventures on the Island with Kelvin since he landed there including the events on September 22, 2004 when his not-pushing the button resulted into the crash of flight 815. And the big cliffhangers. a) What happened to the Losties at the Hatch and b) seeing the outside world for the very first time (excluding flashbacks of course).

All 3 Alpha males heading to the boat. The Losties would have been so screwed if it would’ve been a trap. Wow, you can still see Sawyer’s bullet wound.:slight_smile:
And the Elizabeth is still in the hand of the Others at the beginning of Season 3 when we’ve seen her last. Oh, the “bloody snow-globe theory”, and Henry Ian Cusick plays drunken Des very convincing.
Bear with me here. When Desmond is released from military prison, does he have the memories of what happened to him in his conscience-jumping events a few years earlier? And does Widmore know what an important role Desmond will play for the Island? So he pushes him on the sailing race? From the first scene one, I disliked Widmore cause he treats Des so bad.
Sayid’s plan is perfect, except that Michael won’t lead them to the Others camp. Good to see Mr. Eko again…he was such an interesting character. Seeing John loosing his faith makes me feel :(.
Libby, there’s so much we still don’t know about you, but it’s nice that you’re helping Des with the boat.
The “Hurley Bird”, another mystery we’ll never hear about again. And now Michael knows that they’re on to him.
And the vaccines we haven’t seen for a while as well, except for the new members of he Dharma Initiative back in 1977.
The stadium scene from another point of view in comparison to the Season premiere. Which couple is your favorite? Sun/Jin, Penny/Des, Rose/Bernard or another one? Mines Penny/Des since that scene at the stadium with their theme… I’m getting choked up a little.
Bad idea John! Pushing the button is important.
Sun already barfing due to her pregnancy. They worshiped Homer Simpson on the Island, I knew it! :wink: Seeing Kelvin Inman in this episode, I’m still unsure about his story that he told Desmond. So I found this wacky theory about the Men in Black using Kelvin just like he did with Locke in Season 4. Cause Alpert’s people knew about the Swan, but still let Kelvin push the button there?!
Matthew Fox acting crazy and angry with Michael was well done. Ohhh, poor Hurley.
End of Part 1

Part 2 of Live Together, Die Alone

Ah, finally we see who the blast door map created and what happened to Radzinski. He’s an sorryBarb, but somehow I still like him a bit. So much groundwork for the season 5 finale was laid here with: “Electromagnetism, geologically unique. The incident—there was a leak. So now the charge builds up and every time we push the button it discharges it before it gets too big.”
Locke telling Desmond what he experienced in Deus Ex Machina and Des remembering his part there, so powerful.

What a waste, all the journals from the Pearl being dumped into the jungle…S.R. should be Stuart Radzinski. Oh no, the whispers again.
And now September 22, 2004 from Desmond’s perspective. The landscape where Des kills Inman looks out of the world for me.
Mindblower with Desmond being responsible for the 815 crash. Or was it supposed to happen by Jacobs and Anti-Jacobs struggle?
Were you surprised by Ben being the leader?

Locke, what did you do!!!
So sad and at the same time beautiful, watching desperate Des wanting to commit suicide and hearing Penny’s letter: “Dearest Des, I am writing this letter to you as you leave for prison. And I’ve hidden in the one place you would turn to in a moment of great desperation. I know you go away with the weight of what happened on your shoulders. And I know the only person who can ever take it off is you. Please don’t give up, Des. Because all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you. Always. I love you, Pen.”

That System Failure sequence, simply kick-sorryBarb!

When Desmond blew the dam, was only the electromagnetic energy released, or what has happened then? Seeing all the other survivors in the background, did they all get killed or what happened to them after the flaming arrows attack?
Michael Emerson with a beard is so weird. “We’re the good guys, Michael.” Kidnapping them, only to get Jack to operate on you, Ben. Couldn’t you just have asked?! Please tell me, turned the sky violet or white on your TV??
Ohhhh, the Hobbit and the Alien kissing.
That cliffhanger of the arctic station receiving the signal of the Island and reporting it to Penny. Wasn’t that the best one up to that point of the series?

There’s No Place Like Home

I LOOOOVE this scene between Jack & Locke. And Locke is so 100 % right in that conversation: “And what am I supposed to do? Oh, I think I remember. What was it that you said on the way out to the hatch–that crashing here was our destiny?” “You know, Jack. You know that you’re here for a reason. You know it. And if you leave this place, that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out…until you decide to come back.” and “Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they’ll believe you.”

The man of science vs. man of faith has been the heart of the show for me ever since ‘White Rabbit’. It’s amazing how determined Jack is to disprove everything Lock has to say. That’s why it’s so funny when he’s putting his father’s shoes on Locke’s body (there’s that shoe motif). “I bet some where you’re laughing your ass off”.

That still keeps bugging me, in the Season 5 FFs, Locke never told the Oceanic 6 that he had an alias named Jeremy Bentham!

I remember thinking that and finding an explanation. I just don’t remember what it was. I think He told Jack his alias.

Do you also sometimes say the lines of the characters aloud? Like when Des sees the chopper and mutters “Oh, bloody hell”?

No, but I sometimes call people ‘brotha’.

Do you remember how/when Sun learned about Widmore?

She first saw his name on her pregnancy test. :slight_smile: I think Ben told her about him and I think Widmore had some business dealings with Paik Industries.

Ben must have so been lying…but wait…he didn’t knew that the Island would be skipping through time. So was it coincidence or intentional when he moved the FDW?

Never mistake coincidence for fate. :slight_smile:

The Shape Of Things To Come

Hurley’s “Australia’s the key to the whole game.”…that must be a clue for us fans, doesn’t it?

Wasn’t there some clips of the Losties in Australia at Comic-Con?

That was one of the best action scenes of the series, and Claire couldn’t have survived that blast. Do you think she died back there?

I thought that when I saw ‘creepy Claire’, but I hope I’m wrong.

Jacob knew that she would be killed. But he only saved Sayid. Which again turned him into a hitman,…maybe so he would shoot Young Ben and the events occurred how they should?

Seems like part of the Chess game. The strange thing is that when Sayid tortures Ben in the armory, Ben doesn’t remember Sayid because Richard said he wouldn’t, Sayid doesn’t remember Ben because he hasn’t gone back to 77 and met the 12 year old Ben yet.

What went through your minds watching it?

With the way their faces were lit, I thought of the Star Trek episode ‘Let That Be Your Last Battlefield’.

Live Together, Die Alone

Were you surprised by Ben being the leader?

No. That was one of the few things in the show that I predicted.

So sad and at the same time beautiful, watching desperate Des wanting to commit suicide and hearing Penny’s letter:

Yes it was. I could be wrong, but don’t we find out later that this was the same time Locke saw the light from the hatch?

Please tell me, turned the sky violet or white on your TV??

It was white with a purple tinge. There was an earthquake here in the Bay Area during the fail safe scene. no joke.

That cliffhanger of the arctic station receiving the signal of the Island and reporting it to Penny. Wasn’t that the best one up to that point of the series?

I think “We have to go back” was a little better, but I do say the opening of this season was the best.

Bear with me here. When Desmond is released from military prison, does he have the memories of what happened to him in his conscience-jumping events a few years earlier? And does Widmore know what an important role Desmond will play for the Island? So he pushes him on the sailing race?

That’s a great question. I think in retrospect he did. I still want to know why Libby was there to give him the boat.

Wait, you ranked every single episode?

List please?

Exactly that was the moment when I LOL. And from that moment on he became a complete believer in fate and just let thing happen in Dharmaville.

But Sayid, Kate, etc…well whatever.

Niceeeee! Sometimes I say goodbye with “Namaste”.

Right, Ben must have his fingers in there, as always.

HAHA, good answer!:smiley:

Yeah, one where Hurley is a manager for a Chicken FastFood chain (maybe it’s even Mr. Clucks).

We’ll see.

Yeah, that I’ve also understood that way.

Ok, don’t know much about Trek, but their faces were really interesting lit.

Congrats, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.:wink:

You’re absolutely correct, Sir!

Wow, the show reaches further than we think.

Of course, therefore I said “up to this point”, meaning when that episode aired.

Since [spoiler]we’ll see her again this season[/spoiler] maybe we will. And I also believe it in some way that he remembered.

Yeah, very lunatic I know. The only important things are the 1-20 episodes that I put in the fantastic area, 21-92 in the very good to good area and 93-97 in the bad area.

  1. The Incident          Season 5 
  2. Live Together, Die Alone Season 2
  3. The Shape of Things to Come Season 4
  4. There’s No Place Like Home, Part 2 & 3 Season 4
  5. The Man from Tallahassee Season 3
  6. Walkabout Season 1
  7. Dead is Dead Season 5
  8. The Man Behind the Curtain Season 3
  9. This Place is Death Season 5
  10. The Brig Season 3
  11. Deus Ex Machina Season 1
  12. Exodus, Part 2 Season 1
  13. Exodus, Part 1 Season 1
  14. Flashes Before Your Eyes Season 3
  15. The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham Season 5
  16. Jughead Season 5
  17. Pilot Season 1
  18. Two for the Road Season 2
  19. Do No Harm Season 1
  20. Cabin Fever Season 4
  21. Follow the Leader Season 5
  22. The Beginning of the End Season 4
  23. Orientation Season 2
  24. The Economist Season 4
  25. There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1 Season 4
  26. Ji Yeon Season 4
  27. Greatest Hits Season 3
  28. One of Them Season 2
  29. Whatever Happened, Happened! Season 5
  30. Not in Portland Season 3
  31. Confirmed Dead Season 4
  32. Solitary Season 1
  33. Because You Left Season 5
  34. Abandoned Season 2
  35. LaFleur Season 5
  36. One of Us Season 3
  37. The Hunting Party Season 2
  38. The 23rd Psalm Season 2
  39. A Tale of Two Cities Season 3
  40. Namaste Season 5
  41. The Variable Season 5
  42. The Lie Season 5
  43. Every Man for Himself Season 3
  44. Enter 77 Season 3
  45. Lockdown Season 2
  46. The Moth Season 1
  47. 316 Season 5
  48. Tricia Tanaka Is Dead Season 3
  49. The Cost of Living Season 3
  50. Man of Science, Man of Faith Season 2
  51. The Other 48 Days Season 2
  52. Meet Kevin Johnson Season 4
  53. ? Season 2
  54. Further Instructions Season 3
  55. Some Like It Hoth Season 5
  56. The Little Prince Season 5
  57. I Do Season 3
  58. Hearts and Minds Season 1
  59. Something Nice Back Home Season 4
  60. Catch-22 Season 3
  61. White Rabbit Season 1
  62. D.O.C. Season 3
  63. The Long Con Season 2
  64. The Glass Ballerina Season 3
  65. All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues Season 1
  66. Numbers Season 1
  67. Three Minutes Season 2
  68. The Hole Truth Season 2
  69. The Other Woman Season 4
  70. Dave Season 2
  71. Left Behind Season 3
  72. Maternity Leave Season 2
  73. …And Found Season 2
  74. The Greater Good Season 1
  75. He’s Our You Season 5
  76. Homecoming Season 1
  77. Whatever the Case May Be Season 1
  78. Par Avion Season 3
  79. What Kate Did Season 2
  80. Collision Season 2
  81. Everybody Hates Hugo Season 2
  82. Eggtown Season 4
  83. Outlaws Season 1
  84. …In Translation Season 1
  85. Exposé Season 3
  86. Born To Run Season 1
  87. Raised by Another Season 1
  88. Confidence Man Season 1
  89. House of the Rising Sun Season 1
  90. Tabula Rasa Season 1
  91. Adrift Season 2
  92. Special Season 1
  93. S.O.S. Season 2
  94. Fire + Water Season 2
  95. Stranger in a Strange Land Season 3

For the TOP 3 episodes, you’ll have to wait until later today and tomorrow.

Up on the podium taking the bronze medal: The Incident (Season 5 Episode 16)

Why? Jacob and his buddy on the Island and his encounters with the Losties, Dead is Dead proves to be true, total chaos in Dharmaville, and everything that happened at the Hatch with Juliet’s banging on an hydrogen bomb. Note: Maybe I’ve ranked it that high, because it was still so fresh in my mind when I made the list last year.

Part 1
The beginning started with a mindfrak, seeing Jacob and MIB. What a way to start the last chapter of the season leading into the next. After the Black Rock appeared on the horizon, I knew that this had to be Jacob. Finally we get to know the Men Behind The Curtain. What the hole story of LOST is about, this is the starting point: “They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.” “It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress.

And there’s the friggin hole statue!
First shock, seeing Jakob meeting and touching Kate as a child. And there’s Tom with his toy plane. No, she won’t steal, only kill her boyfriend and her father.
Again that sedatives on the sub, what are their real purpose?! Here Kate’s want to stop Jack blowing up the bomb, later she’s got his back…she really should decide once and for all what she wants! Somehow I HATE Mrs. Hawking, especially after she knew and killed her own son.
Richard suspected that something wasn’t right with Flocke. Here’s the paragraph:

RICHARD: He said he was sure you were dead. That he saw your coffin loaded onto that plane that you came back on. How are you alive?
LOCKE: Well, you’ve been on this Island much longer than I have, Richard. If anyone should have an explanation, I’d think it would be you.
RICHARD: I - I have been here a long time, John. And i have seen things on this Island that I could barely describe, but I’ve never seem someone come back to life.
LOCKE: And I’ve never seen anyone who doesn’t age. Doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
RICHARD: I’m this way because of Jacob. And if I had to guess, he’s the reason you’re not in that coffin anymore.
LOCKE: I agree completely, Richard. That’s why I’m doing this. So I can thank him. Once I’ve done that, we’re gonna need to deal with the rest of the passengers from the Ajira flight that brought me here.
RICHARD: What do you mean, ‘deal with them’?
LOCKE: You know what I mean.

WOW, I definitely overheard the bold passages when it aired!!!
Illana and Bram seem to be members of the Jacob club. And what is their plan for Frank?! Can’t wait for tomorrow!!! Terrific wouldn’t have been the word, I’ve used, Frank.
Next appointment Mr. and Mrs. Fords funeral for Jacob and there’s James writing his important letter.
Juliet’s kicking somebodies sorryBarb, man, I’ll miss that. And I love hearing Jack say this about Locke: “Yeah. Yeah, I know him. And if I were you, I wouldn’t give up on him.”
Flocke telling Ben that he (Ben) is going to kill Jacob. My face was the same as Ben’s.

Visit Number Three, letting Nadia be killed and saving Sayid. Again gives me shivers watching it.
Thanks Richard for knocking Eloise out! All the Leaders stuff of the Others still need an explanation. After Sayid got shot, I’m still expecting that he would die in that timeline, if the Hydrogen bomb doesn’t take care of that.
Besides Roses’s “Hell, no!” this scene was needless. As important they were in Season 2, they should have been scrapped after the 3rd season. Would you agree that this pic suggests Juliet being pregnant?

For the Illana/Jacob scene, I’ve only got one question. What the hell is their history?! That little tapestry with the statue that was stuck in the Cabin with a knife reminds me of somebody taking shots at a photo of an person you despise. There was definitely Anti-Jacob and NOT Jacob in the Cabin in the last years, don’t you think?
The old Losties camp, it also ends where it began. And Sun finding the DriveShaft ring sniff. Plus the reference to what happened at the Cabin in The Man Behind The Curtain. I feel so bad for Ben, how Flocke manipulates him.
Trip to Japan to Sun/Jin’s wedding for Jacob. When they were still deeply in love before Mr. Paik used Jin. Jin, Hurley, Sayid and maybe Jack should be able to recognize Jacob if he still uses the same body.
End Part 1

Part 2
Throwback to the Pilot when Jack told Kate the story about the nerves just spilling out of her like angel hair pasta. Man, and guess who was there that day in the hospital? That “touching them all” story device has to be explained to us.
That beating between Jack and Sawyer was a looong way coming. Each of both have reasonable explanations for their stances, fate vs. free will, again this most important theme of the series. Juliet has the same problem as Kate about changing her mind. Juliet and Sawyer were so perfect for each other sob.
Jack’s “Nothing… nothing in my life has ever felt so right.” reminds me of something similar Locke said when he let the the countdown run down in the Season 2 finale.
Jacob and Hurley, their connection must be special because he told him much much more then at his other encounters with the Losties.

Will Sayid get saved, in one way or another?
Like Flocke hasn’t known that Jacob lives at the foot, right! OMG!! Jacob reanimating a dead Locke after his fall from the building!!

Richard Alpert reminds me of being the Consigliere of the Island. And Jacob touching the Losties seems to be his backup plan against MIB’s schemes.
YAY, the VWBus cavalry! And I wouldn’t have thot that Miles would join them. BTW, Radzinsky is a total sorryBarb!
So happy Juliet.

“This don’t look like LAX!” LOL Now the same happens as in Live Together, Die Alone. Everything magnetic getting pulled to the electromagnetic pocket. Pierre Chang loosing the function of his arm and him and Stuart leaving the scene. Adios, Phil!
Again very emotional this show with Sawyer and Juliet. I’m only wondering how she didn’t die on impact. Tom would say: “Never mistake coincidence for fate.”, won’t you?
Exactly the same camera pan as in the Season 4 finale when we see Locke in the coffin, just as he is now lying in the sand. I was surprised to see him lying there, you too?

Michael Emerson, you can’t stop saying great things about him, his scene with Jacob = phenomenal. Flocke hearing that “they are coming” made him very upset, don’t you think? What does that mean?
Forgot to mention Josh Holloway’s performance, also outstanding. Last scene with Elizabeth Mitchell, absolutely painful to watch her because it is so moving.
And the end, tell me you couldn’t speak or think for a moment when you saw this for the first time!

Tomorrow you’ll get my last two reviews, and then we can enjoy the premiere. Well, I’ll have to wait until somebody has uploaded it a few hours later then when it first airs.

Up on the podium taking the bronze medal: The Incident (Season 5 Episode 16)

…and who will take the gold? ‘The Constant’ or ‘Through the Looking Glass’?

Again that sedatives on the sub, what are their real purpose?!

I was always suspicious of that. To conceal how they actually arrive?

For the Illana/Jacob scene, I’ve only got one question. What the hell is their history?!

I get a “Knights Templar” vibe from them, like an ancient sect following the history of the island.

Jack’s “Nothing… nothing in my life has ever felt so right.” reminds me of something similar Locke said when he let the the countdown run down in the Season 2 finale.

Ha ha. Immediately followed by “I was wrong”.

Again very emotional this show with Sawyer and Juliet. I’m only wondering how she didn’t die on impact. Tom would say: “Never mistake coincidence for fate.”, won’t you?

Yes, but detonating a nuclear warhead with a small rock is a miracle. :slight_smile:

I was surprised to see him lying there, you too?

This time I was suprised. I got spoiled before about him in the coffin.

Flocke hearing that “they are coming” made him very upset, don’t you think? What does that mean?

A loop hole in the loop hole.

And the end, tell me you couldn’t speak or think for a moment when you saw this for the first time!And the end, tell me you couldn’t speak or think for a moment when you saw this for the first time!

I could not.

Just got finished watching Lost: The Final Chapter. I swear I could listen to Michael Emmerson all night long :).

Who else was counting when she was hitting that thing? She got passed 4 and I wondered if they’d blow it or not. Come to think of it, do we really know?

That’s the big question, isn’t it?! I’ll try to watch them and put the posts up in the next 6 hours.

Probably. Can’t see another reason

Got that same sect like vibe from them.

Poor Locke!!

But this Island is “a place where miracles happen.”:slight_smile:

Uhh, good that it worked out then.


YAY! I’m not alone.:wink:

I did and it was 8 (WAHH, one of the cursed numbers) times until the screen went white. And we really don’t know what happened, maybe later today. But the sound suggested a bomb going off.

Good answer.

So here we are, on the day we’ll always remember. Without further ado, taking the Silver medal: Through The Looking Glass (Season 3 Episode 22)
Part 1

Why? Too much to count, nearly every single scene. Hurley coming to the rescue, Jack smashing Ben to a pulp, Taller Ghost Walt, all the flashforwards until they are revealed for 100 % in the last scene. And of course Charlie Pace’s last hours.

The pilot speaking is actually Damon Lindelof. Jack’s devastatedness (word?) was a big surprise for me. Him standing on the bridge, already expecting the scene I get emotional.

Charlie, getting tortured by Bonnie, but still having the laughs: “I came in my invisible submarine. Don’t you see it?”.
Others getting blown to pieces by dynamite, always good to see.
Anyone else agreeing that Michael Giacchino does an fantastic job with the score?
Bernard, come on you should’ve known they were bluffing.
I’m glad that Mikhail only had 3 lives.
Jack is always trying to fix things. I wonder where he got that.
How beautiful eyes she has.

Hilarious nickname from Charlie for Mikhail = Cyclops. And Ben really believes that all he’s doings are in favor for the Island.
Ah, the “what they were building at the start of Season 3” question. A runway of course, but not for Aliens. But who told the to built it, when Ben had no contact to Jacob? Or did Jacob tell Richard?
BEST LINE OF THE EPISODE; “So you screwing Jack yet?” “No. Are you?” Watching these scenes with Sawyer and Juliet have such a different feel now in light to what will happen. Hurley getting rejected by everybody, that’s harsh.
Seeing Locke alive in the Dharma pit, I didn’t expect that, did you?

Was so relieved when he didn’t kill himself. Whoa, Walt, you got big! Still unsure if Taller Ghost Walt is in the Jacob, the Anti-Jacob or nobodies camp.
End Part 1

And here comes Part 2 of the Season 3 finale.

HELL YEAH, Nirvana! Neither friend or family. Should’ve known by then that Locke was in the coffin.
Just how beautiful the scenery of the show is.

Running away from Mikhail like Bonnie did, was stupid, don’t you think?
Five minutes, just like between Jack and Sawyer. And in both instances the same happened, only one brawl was more even. Why is Ben emphasizing the “every single LIVING person will be killed.”?
Love that lines: “Let me ask you something, Jack. Why do you wanna leave the Island? What is it that you so desperately want to get back to?”

Will we see Charlie being the programmer of the jamming code?
Why had the Rousseau/Alex reunion be so short?!
Hurley saving the day. WOHOOOOO! And Sayid with his feet-neck-breaker move. Following with Sawyer killing Tom as repentance for kidnapping Walt from the raft.
Still don’t understand Jack telling the doctor to get his father down, do you?
Penny!!! OH WTF!
About what follows, I’ve only to tell, that this scene made/still makes me cry.

And back to the Pilot where we heard Rousseau’s transmission for the first time. How much has happened since then.
Jack and Locke stand-offs, always fun times.
The last scene was the biggest mindfrak I’ve ever had up until this very moment writing this. I was so shell-shocked, I believed that Jack and Kate have known each other BEFORE the Oceanic flight 815 crash because she looked like under 20 years old. What are your thought, remembering watching this scene?
We must star a drinking game, for every time Jack and Kate say “Hey” to each other.

“We have to go back!”

Taking the top-spot and there fore the Gold medal in my ranking: The Constant (Season 4 Episode 5)

Why? The hole concept of the episode, especially the wonderful telephone call between Desmond and Penny. And sorry for too much gushing over this episode.

First and foremost, Desmond is one of my all-times favorite characters on the show. Care much about and can relate to him.
Isn’t Dan one of the most sympathetic characters on the show?
Keamy, you killed Alex, you SOB!!
The editing between the conscience time jumps is phenomenal done.
“Because I need you to find me” resulted in a mind-explosion.
Desmond finding him in 1996 and Dan believing him, great scenes between the two of them. Will the explosion of the hydrogen bomb (radiation) result into something similar?

Can’t it say enough, but Daniel’s explanations of what is happening are so cool, also from a Sci-Fi perspective.
The Variables and the Constant, brilliant concept.
The Hanso Foundation/Family, another player in the game we really know nothing about. Widmore is really trying to find every piece that has a connection to the Island. And why didn’t he close the water tap?

The two scenes of Pen & Des, best what the series has ever archived in my mind. Normally I don’t like love stories, but how LOST does it is simply perfect.

Thank you for participating in the discussion of my favorite episodes and enjoy the Premiere!
Namaste, and Good Luck!