So after a long (how old is my oldest? lets not go there) I’ve started homebrewing beer again. My first batch is an Irish Red Ale, which I brewed on 12/11, bottled on 1/10. OG of 1.044 and FG of 1.010 for an approximate alcohol percentage of 4.45%. First taste on the 24th and I’m very happy with it. I’ll post some pics. It was great doing it again - and I was amazed at how much I remembered and for the first time, my siphon started on the first try. I did have one mistake - was bottling and everything was going well and got done, looked at the bottling bucket and realized I only had 1/2 the bottles I needed! Of course it was past 10 on a weeknight, so a case of Heineken gave it’s life so I could bottle the rest of my beer.
one is mine, the other is Sam Adams Irish Red Ale.
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