The GWC crew just have to do FORBIDDEN PLANET.
A lot of younger sci fi fans may never have seen it but it is surely one of the ‘top ten’.
Most 1950s sci-fi movies look hokey with age, that’s often why we enjoy them…but F.P. actually looks and sounds better.
It’s plainly based on Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and it throws in a lot of Sigmund Freud too. Sigmund meets Shakespeare in Outer Space. Freud was famous for his psycho-analysis and his interpretation of dreams. Dreams play a big role in F.P. And the “out of this world” sets and great musical score give the movie and ethereal and dream like feel. In fact as electronic music and movie special effects have since developed in other directions, F.P. is even more of a stand-out now than it was wayback when. The now uncommon set design and Theramin sound synthesiser score add to it’s dream like quality. So the evolution of special FX has had the accidental impact of helping to highlight and illuminate the whole dream theme in F.P., a theme that may have been less obvious to 1950s audiences.
My guess is that F.P. will eventually be shown in art classes held in human colonies on other planets. I doubt whether many contemporary sci-fi movies will travel as well through time as F.P. has.
F.P. does have it’s guffaw moments but it is truly a good lookin’ classic. And the ideas, “the creature from the id”, say a lot about human nature. But I suppose when both Sigmund Freud and Shakespeare have contributed to the script, you know it’s going to be good.
Okay GWC crew, there’s my plea. FP on GWC before 2013!!