Rebellion #14

Anyone else pick up the latest in the Rebellion series:

Good stuff! We get to see:

a) B-wings (rock!)
b) Dagger Squadron
c) the end to the adventures of a thankfully-not-a-red-shirt character

…and more. Really glad I snagged it this weekend.

Also, all of you who’re really mainly fans of the IV-V-VI time period will get a kick out of Rebellion. It’s sort of a counterpart to the incredibly popular Empire run. Rebellion is current-run, so if you’re looking for something similar but available entirely in TPB, Empire is your friend. Both feature modern DH art – beautiful stuff – and great story lines that weave around those with which you’re already familiar.

Plus, it looks like #14 wraps up a story arc, so if you want to jump in, #15 might not be a bad place. And if you like it, #1-10 are available in two TPBs #1 (1-5) #2 (6-10). All the rest should still be on the “recent” wall in your local shop.