Real Life XBOX Achievement Awards

I Pooed: 50 pts.: Drop your Ipod into the toilet…

Amazingly enough it still works!!

“Only So Much Water in the Well”: 50 points: Sex in four different countries in 36 hours.

Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria.

Aaaawww, yeah.


Who are you? James Bond?

HA! No…just lucky and have a fun wife. Did a cool day/night trip around the lake on the border hunting for geocaches.


Stormed The Gate: 50 pts: Had sex in a Fort or Castle rampart!

Sorta did it, but took about 10 years for that to happen ; ) so I call that one:

Slowed To A Trickle: 5 pts: Sex in four different countries in 10 years!!

Not fair! Over here, to get to 4 different countries you’d have to DRIVE for 36 hours! (though… hmmmmmmm… :groucho:)

Playing away from home. 10 Pts. : Successfully play an on-line gaming session while away on business

Uhhh, no, I’m not quite sure how I went over the MB cap limit by 500%, I only checked my email 3 or 4 times…

90 points - 90 meetings in 90 days

Less of a milestone more of a yard pebble but still, it’s an achievement to me

20 points - have people notice O’ve lost weight - i have but it’s nice to get acknoeldgement.
on the “AT&T customer service award - worst service ever, argumentative and then hung up when I disagreed with her” ID

First of all, congrats and that is no small feat. As someone who’s struggled with weight and is finally getting it under control, I sympathize.

Secondly, that is a very amusing typo considering you’re talking about weight :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: fortunately Swedish Hotel WiFi seems to be quite forgiving

Want to revive this thread because it’s awesome, and because I think I got one today:

Double Your Pleasure. 5 Pts: Ask out two different girls in one day.

How have I missed this post? Awesome.

I will put just this weekend’s achievements on here:

Circle Jerk-10 points-Recover from involuntarily spinning your vehicle on the ice without hitting anything (20 mph and above only)

I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead-20 points-Work 24 hours or more in a 48 hour period

Geek Vector-10 points- Convince a non- geek to enjoy a geek activity.
-Smileys in this post were probably supposed to be punctuation.

Circle Jerk-10 points-Recover from involuntarily spinning your vehicle on the ice without hitting anything (20 mph and above only)

Got that one a few weeks ago, lol. Good times, good times.

This has me thinking of some for things IT and Developers do and say. :slight_smile:

After six months of O-ring replacement, & new parts, finally discovered the reason for the leak and repaired it.
Plumber Level ---- Basic reached!

The Briefest Of Briefs. 20 pts. : Get out of Jury Duty without ever showing up.

10 points - Went to bed on my birthday sober

20 points - have people notice I’ve lost weight

I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - 20 points - Work 24 hours or more in a 48 hour period

Drip, Drip, Drip ---- 10 pts - After six months of O-ring replacement, & new parts, finally discovered the reason for the leak and repaired it.
Plumber Level ---- Basic reached!