Re-watching LOST before final season

The Hub and I are re-watching all of the seasons of LOST from pilot through this past season ('cause by then it will be out on DVD) before the final season begins. I was just wondering if anyone else is doing anything similar. It was really interesting to re-watch the pilot the other night. (Love Locke, even from that first moment we see him.)

Anyway, just putting that question out there to see if anyone else is doing this too, or has plans to do it.

I’m game.

Got a schedule? I’ve been a casual viewer of LOST, so I think I’m gonna put my thinking cap on for the re-watch.

Hmmm…no schedule, as Hub travels. So, it would probably have to be scheduled on Thurs/Fri/Sat or Sun nights. Let’s see if I can get him to commit to a night. He tends to like to watch several episodes a night.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking (several episodes @ a time) and then post here or another thread…whichever. Put our thots together. So, since you’ve started I better start crackin’ :smiley:

Good idea. Seasons one through five are available on hulu. :slight_smile:

Do you wanna’ frak it or set it up all book club style?

Book Club style visions of librarians dancing in me head

Hmmm, perhaps create a thread for each season to place thots and stuff in. Whaddya think?

I think a thread for each season might be a bit unwieldy. We could still frak it, if anyone is interested, on Sunday nights, when there aren’t any other frak parties going on to speak of. Also, we would have the option of creating re-watch threads by disc (4 episodes per disc, I believe).

A thread per disc sounds like a good compromise between one per season and one per episode. We are up to over 100 episodes now, right?

I personally don’t want to commit to any particular viewing/frakking schedule because I just recently watched all of seasons 1 through 4 just before season 5 started and don’t want to do a complete re-watch this soon. But I’ll probably jump in and join you guys as I feel up to it.

I started watching the episodes again, I’ve made it through the first three seasons before taking a break.

I love picking up on the little details I missed before, like who the Green Lantern Spanish comic belonged to. Little insignificant details like that.