Ratatouille 1/13 @ 10 PM ET

“Good. Well, not good. She’s been better.”
“She died.” :smiley:

Lol. I can’t turn on my disbelief yet. Sucks because I’m thinking about a rat in all that food. d:

Have you listened to last week’s 'cast yet? It’s just like Sean said. People are cartoonish, but things? Everything looks real. Really real.

Wow, I sense a mouse trap reference.

I’m three weeks behind.

You’ll notice, of course, that the first thing that happened was that he took a bath is dishwater. And he was already in the habit of not walking on his front paws. Cleanliness is next to chefliness, after all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Missed that. Thanks.

Lol at knocking him over.

Basically, the idea was humans are intimately aware of what humans look like, so trying to make realistic cartoon humans is a losing battle. But the technology exists now to make props and scenery that are almost genuinely real. I mean, look at the bricks, the way the fog moves, the lights & shadows, etc.

Ah, gotcha!

“You know how to cook, and I know how… to be appear human.” :smiley:

“I killed a man with this thumb…”

“… ran guns for the resistance.”
“Which resistance?”
“Don’t know. He won’t say. They didn’t win.” :smiley:

I just love this puppet act. :smiley:

“Got your toque!” :smiley:

Bad rat, spit that out!

“Rat patooty, which doesn’t sound delicious.” :smiley:

“…because I love you…r advice!” :smiley:

Ew. He gave her cooties!

Lol. Boyardee.