
Alpaca-talk on the GWC! It’s all over the place :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m trying to remember which episode it was where there was a member/fan who pieced together all that random talk that ended with Sean saying, “I like Alpacas” :lol: (Can someone point me in the right direction?)

Apologies for the randomness! But my two cents’ worth is to keep the rank as-is. Except maybe for the Tremendous Three who shall be kept unique from the herd.

Like others, I’ve been in other forums with member-rankings and I’ve witnessed post-padding and smiley-abuse just to hit the next member rank. The discussion threads become cluttered with too many excitable newbies trying to bump up their post count.

The original quote is (IIRC) from ep. 50 (has anyone checked that?) There were two followups of “Previously on GWC” The last one was in ep. 57.