Gryper noted this in:
A live action 3-D remake of the 1995 anime movie Ghost in the Shell.
The film will be made by DreamWorks and it is apparently Steven Spielberg’s own involvement that made this project go through.
“Ghost in the Shell is one of my favorite stories,” Spielberg said. “It’s a genre that has arrived, and we enthusiastically welcome it to DreamWorks.”
Thought it was worth reminding due to the current AI arc.
in case you missed it during the superbowl…pretty damn Ossim
lil Transformers 3 action…in case you missed it last night
Still in the speculation stage, but it looks like the sidekick that Sam Jackson mentioned last week will be maria Hill, played by Cobie Smulders from How I met Your Mother - see the clickety click below
I’m happy that it looks like Prime keeps his Jetfire upgrades.
Anyone have any thoughts on Spielberg’s Terra Nova on Fox?
The optimist in me wants greatness, but the pessimist expects Jurassic Park III meets Earth 2. (and I actually liked Earth 2. JP3 on the other hand…) In all likelihood the show will be okay, maybe even geektastic, but very unlikely to be able to hold the size audience needed to sustain it. And we all know how well Fox nurtures and supports their new shows until they can hit their strides and find their audiences.
Either that or he is using ‘Micron’ (or min con, whatever you wish to call them) upgrades.
The idea for the series is bad, really bad. So bad I was amazed anybody would be willing to invest money in the project, even with Speilberg’s name attached to it. And every new peice of news I have read has done little (if anything) to remove that inital bad taste from my mouth. I have little hope that this show is redeemable. But then, that is only my opinion…
I doubt I’ll watch since it’s likely to only last 13 episodes.
Yeah, I’m one of those now… But, just for shows on Fox.
Your Transformer trivia overshadows mine. d:
Not that it matters where Bay is concerned. (:
Japanese youtube user cat2525jp has created an AWESOME futuristic video of Tokyo filmed from the front seat of the Yurikamome Tokyo monorail (it has no driver) around Tokyo Bay at night. The video is called Tokyo Sky Drive.
Using his SONY XR500V camcorder, the video has a mirror filter and is flipped to give it that amazing effect. This is video making at its best!! The choice of sound track music is great too
Tokyo Sky Drive videos version 1. MUSIC —- A Furrow Dub / Sugar Plant
Snow Monsters! :eek:
Come and knock on our door (Come and knock on our door), We’ve been waiting for you (We’ve been waiting for you)
…wow James Franco likes to do stuff
I mean yeah, it’s a cartoon, but still…
ummm…is that the Cosmic Cube? Cuz…him having it would be bad
…just be crossing jelly beans off my list…
Not sure if this is old news or not, but I just heard it from one of the cast so I thot I’d pass it along: SyFy’s holding on to its new episodes of Eureka until June.
Mentioned elsewhere. Here’s three minutes of a match featuring the future Skynet, I mean Watson. d:
What I find a little disconcerting is the computer made a joke, but it was prolly inadvertent.
The matches will air Feb 14th to 16th.
Valentine’s Day?
That’s disturbing on an odd level.