Random news

a very nice reference. I await the coming of the great white handkerchief.

He was good in the Hurt Locker, but I don’t see him as a Snake Plissken. At least not yet…




So if I dress up in a TRON LEGACY costume for a convention does that make me a TRONvestite?:smiley:

yes…yes it does.




uh yeah…sorry about that

You should be more careful with your toys!

I heard on the radio this morning that the Navy et. al. reviewed their radar tapes, and they have no record of anything moving at missile speed. It could be a combination of a regular plane and some weird optics or weather event.

Airplane contrails are usually not that thick…and there’s usually 2 parallel coming off the wing tips.

I think it was swamp gas reflecting the light from Venus…or something like that. =)

So from the same general area of O “hi” o that brought you a flying Trans Am into a bridge support (which I drive by every day, BTW), we bring you how to do demolition the WRONG WAY.

Now, I’m a rocket scientist and by definition a pyro, but even I could have probably gotten this one right. I’m glad no-one was hurt.


~Shooter Out

PS - Ohio Dept of Transportation erected a continual barrier on that entire stretch of I-675 (about 26 miles) to prevent any more reckless Trans Am drivers from doing any more flight experiments. (See Trans Am video: http://bit.ly/dc3keL )

That’s rather odd. I’ve seen a bunch of controlled demolitions, and they’re usually scary good. There seems to have been a misfire/miswire there. I wonder who the company was?

Bwahahah…an answer straight from Project Blue Book. U.S.A.F. need to create some new ones sometime. :smiley:

that…or a really good fart joke :smiley:

Avatar- Extended Collector’s Edition- On Blu-ray/DVD November 16


This is the Blu-ray I’m getting…

Finally!! Been waiting for a trailer for this one…




Can’t wait to see this :smiley:

On Boston local news. A theater in a suburb showed Saw 3 in 3D when kids and parents were expecting to see Megamind in 3D. Oops. One 3D movie is as good as another I guess.

I’d be all kinds of ticked.

Amy Acker is on No Ordinary Family!



Hmmm…Hal never struck me that way…what say you?