Random news

Half of the links on that page are broken. Even the ads are not loading, something is wrong with their site…

The video still works for me. You could be experiencing what I experience when I try to visit www.japansugoi.com. I dunno what to tell you.

Unrelated news:
Gil Gerard at DragonCon
"Gil Gerard, who played TV’s Buck Rogers, headlines at Dragon
Con but found time to drop in at CNN International."
http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/showbiz/2010/09/05/int.mann.gerrard.cnn?iref=allsearch (Yes, there’s an ad at the start)



Based on the comic—looks pretty good…but we’ll see…

Halo Reach Exclusive Deliver Hope Live Action Extended Trailer [HD]


HQ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKRlWLDWhGI&hd=1 (Worth it)





There’s a bomb alert at the Eiffel Tower! Lois Lane is covering the story and Superman has been sighted in the area.

I’m gonna feel so bad if this turns out to be more than a “routine” bomb alert.

Why is it that every time I hear Bell refer to Olivia as the Gatekeeper, I picture Rick Moranis as the Keymaster?



Evidently Ms Hamilton ain’t messin’ arround

Neil Gaiman on… Arthur?

Chuck sneak peek…shhhh





of course not…nevermind :smiley:

Neo: Whoa…

Concept art for the proposed Voltron movie, looks pretty cool!

An awesome Star Trek Hoodie-



Next week!!!

Squee! Also, holy-Aussie accents batman. Do we all sound really like that?

Sounding like John Noble would be ok. Just sayin’

Homemade Transformers short film-


Pretty nice!:slight_smile:

I remember seeing a nice American made amateur video awhile ago. I think it had a VW bug or Bumble Bee as the main robot.

A real world Cylon?


Scott Pilgram vs the World comes to DVD Nov 9th.

Riptide will be in Xmen First Class…

True Lies is to become a Television series…

Not sure how that will work? Will Eliza Dushku be in it?

No acting slots are set yet, I have heard a name or two bantered about but nothing concrete… It will be on ABC (though it is a FOX product?), and Lightstorm and Cameron are involved, so it is possible he may get involved creatively and may even direct a show or two… like he did with Dark Angel!:slight_smile: Rene Echevarria (The 4400, Castle) is the writer and showrunner.