PS Vita - Is it worth it?

Let me start off by saying I’ve owned every system Sony ever made and loved them all. I am not a fanboy by any means, in fact if it weren’t for DCUO my 360 would be my primary system. I really want a Vita but right now there’s only two games I actually would play (Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken) and there’s nothing truly compelling on the horizon. However the hardware features alone are so impressive to me that I’m sure if enough people adopt it, it could be the last handheld one would need for years, primarily the PS3 remote play feature (so I can DCUO from anywhere in the house!) and the touch pad on the back which basically gives you 6 more buttons for your 6 fingers that weren’t already being utilized, among other possible awesome gameplay features yet to be imagined I’m sure.

Also, $250 considering the sheer power of the device is something I could easily swing. My only concern is the extra expense for memory which I hear fills up quite fast and apparently does not utilize the Mem Stick Pro Duo of which I already own 32gb. Does anyone else have an interest in this or does it look like another hardware failure on Sony’s part?