Prophets Of Science Fiction

Don’t know if you get the Science channel or not, but this is a really cool show. I DVR’ed the first 4 episodes, but only watched the Mary Shelley one so far.
[LEFT]I like how the show put the author’s life into context and explored how her own experiences influenced aspects of her work. Definitely worth checking out: [/LEFT]

T]( re-run frequently as well.

I did not know about this. Thanks for posting. I just set my DVR.

The list looks great except for…George Lucas. Really? Doesn’t he get enough accolades? Besides, Star Wars is fantasy. I can agree that the movie-making was innovative but that has been breached time and time again. If you want someone from film or TV, they should have added Rod Serling.

There are so many AUTHORS to choose from. How about another woman? Ursula Le Guin comes to mind or Leigh Brackett or Octavia Butler. How they missed William Gibson? I don’t know. Or Michael Crichton?

Agree wholeheartedly. How can you include Lucas in the same company as Clarke, Asimov and HG Wells?

I guess Lucas can be cdited with bringing scifi to a much, much wider audience and for that he deserves kudos, but Wells and Shelley created their tales in the 1800’s…and can be considered truly visionary.


And don’t forget Andre Norton. She like many others had to write under a male pseudonym in order to get published.

Ursula Le Guin is definitely someone I’d like to learn more about. Gibson and Crichton are good ideas, too. I also think Frank Herbert would be a worthwhile subject. Hopefully the series will continue beyond the 8 episodes listed on their site. If Ridley Scott gets too busy, perhaps he’ll pass the project on to someone else.

So looking forward to the Heinlein show in February. He was my introduction to the genre with his YA books when I was a kid.

The episode about Arthur C. Clarke has been my favorite so far! I hope this show continues as well.

Finally saw the first episode. Well done and informative. Also, now I understand why they chose George Lucas. According to the opening credits, the George Lucas episode will be about energy weapons.