Prop / Armor / Costume Making

Don’t have a lot of opportunity to wear them, but I love costume making! Proudest achievement was Twi’lek dancer costume.

And have an entire episode introducing the making of Master Chief Halo Armor!

Thanks wydelode, actuallly it was probally that vid that got me really interested in the first place!

Thought you all might enjoy some pics of my 17 yo son’s Star Wars costume - he spent tons of time on it and finished it just in time to wear it to work on Halloween. Hopefully he’ll find some other places he can wear it as well!! All of the armor (except for the helmet) started life as a rubbermaid tub.

That is an OSSIM costume!

Thank you!!! He was really happy with how it turned out so I was glad for him - he even recruited me to do some sewing but you can’t see my handiwork under all that armor. :slight_smile: Now he’s working on something similar for his little brother so I see more sewing in my future.

I was thinking that I was the only one who posted a paper craft/ armor making thread.

I totally got waylaid with this project man, just after I started it i was shipped off to Hong Kong for a few weeks then out to the Netherlands for 3.5 months and shortly after my little boy popped into this realm so progress shall we say has been slow, it would appear however that you have been rather more productive :slight_smile:

I’m currently in Sweden far far away from my garage in England…

Why thank you its still hard to find the time to make the armor i want but i am making it and i want to be done by august, as there a thing called geek fest i want to wear it too.