Principality of Sealand

Just wondering if any one have heard of this…

I am amazed by the story of the coup and treason. Pretty interesting and funny story about a little platform. Where do they even get their water?

Official Page of Principality of Sealand

You can become a lord, get ID, by stamps or exchange currency.

The exiled ex prime minister that started the failed coup also has a website

Mainly to claim his legitimacy…

Ahhh Sealand… British people get bored and start their own country, then decide to take.

it’s why Britain is the best! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ooh, can I call myself Eödred & apply to be warmarshall of the west march? :slight_smile: hey wait, where would they keep the horses?

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Seriously speaking, I was reading this up on Wikipedia :

And it brought to mind real life (but short-lived) micronations closer to home here:

The Lanfang Republic of Indonesia, and the White Rajahs of Sarawak (ruled by the Brookes family).

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though Lanfang sounds larger in scale than micronations. It certainly had a lot more people.

I first heard about this after reading Cryptonomicon (which has a micronation based on Sealand). The author goes into some interesting speculation about what something like this could be used for, from data havens to virtual currency that’s free of restrictive national laws.

I’m surprised they’re still around, actually.

Micronations are funny. You should look up North Dumpling to find a micronation that annexed it’s land from the USA.