Pottermore: Your user name

This thread is intended just to post your username and maybe something interesting. (like house, etc)

AccioEcho106 - Ravenclaw - I was a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. (it asked which one I wanted)

ThornHolly37–The Hat put me in Ravenclaw, but I’ve been in the HP fandom for years considering myself a Slytherin. I’m a bit annoyed, but not enough to not still enjoy the site. Though it’s very sad to see the Common Room all in blue. :frowning:

I’m WildCat11. Haven’t been sorted yet.

My wand is: Length: 12 3/4 in, Wood: Redwood, Core: Phoenix Feather, Flexibility: Rigid

I’m enjoying the fact that you slowly get things/areas unlocked as you go through the book chapters. And love the little tidbits of new information on characters, names, etc that JKR has put on the site. :smiley:



Frakin’ Baltar

LOL! Yup now sporting “wood” and a big frakkin’ spam hammer. :groucho:

Slytherin, but I had always thought of myself as a Hufflepuff. Huge identity crisis going on here.