Post-BSG 4.0 GWC/Podcast Arcs

You’ve probably been wondering what we’re going to do once BSG season 4.0 ends and we begin the long, nasty wait for 4.5 sometime next year. Well, so have we. Those of you who’ve shown up at various meetups to have a beer or two with us know that this is something that’s been gnawing at us for a long time.

Well, we’re not sure. We are sure that we’re going to continue bringing you weekly GWC – that’s a given. But we have made a little bit of a decision, which we (of course) could completely change our minds about. :slight_smile:

One of the things about GWC that we’ve enjoyed the most – and have heard from many GWCers that they’ve enjoyed, too – is the way the GWC community introduces each other to new material and helps to re-kindle the flame of older (and possibly forgotten/relegated to the past) material. So we’re going to run with that for a bit, offering a series of “podcast arcs” – groups of six to twelve podcasts focusing on a specific body of material, giving everyone a chance to jump back in, have a good time with it, and share with each other.

And the first body of material we’re going to tackle is probably one of the biggest: the Star Wars universe. We’re currently still nailing down our podcast schedule, but expect podcasts on each of the movies, plus additional 'casts about the “expanded universe” (books, comics, games, and more) as well as one or more pure “call shows” to give you a chance to share your own Star Wars experiences and rants/raves.

What can you do to get ready?
[li]We’ve added all six Star Wars movies to the Movie Re-Watch forum, and we hope you’ll all give 'em a spin in the DVD player sometime in the next few upcoming weeks. Go ahead and call in your audio comments to the standard number (214-296-9229) as you watch. We’ll queue 'em up for the proper podcast.[/li][li]We’d really love to hear audio comments with your specific Star Wars experiences – like when you saw it in the theater fifty times as a little kid or how your mother regaled you endlessly with storys of how she saw it in the theater fifty times as a kid when you were a kid. Or how you didn’t know Star Wars existed until Ep. I. Essentially, we’d like to hear whatever strikes your fancy as we’re dedicating a whole podcast to this kind of discussion.[/li][*]Check out the tons of Star Wars comic and novel discussion going on right now all over the forums. There’s a great expanded universe out there ripe for exploration.[/ul]And look for an opportunity to suggest arcs soon.

Star Wars. You really think there’s enough material there to sustain an ongoing discussion ? :smiley:
Can’t wait ! Awesome.

I guess the last word on Star Wars will never be spoken. I just hope Chuck finds himself a copy of Zahn’s “Heir of the Empire” soon.

Today, my friend. Today!

That’s awesome, you’re gonna have a blast reading that trilogy.

The Zahn trilogy will make you wish they make a movie out of that series. :slight_smile:

Correction: made movies out of that series instead of those quite dreadful prequels…

I liked the prequels–kinda the way I liked Enterprise

Agreed. So well done. I honestly feel that those books should have been made into movies and the prequels…well…@(@#$*@($#!!!

What? You can’t swear with ASCII symbols. You’re Solai, Master of the Universe, the First, Third and Fourth God of DogTag Production (the Second is on vacation in some boobs these days), the maven of Firefly lore.

YOU need to swear in Chinese!

(Which, I bet, would still sound like velvet.)

There are over 19,000 fan fictions on
(Never read any of them)

Plus the comic books, books and other stuff. I think there is a enough.

Allthough I liked the movies when I was little (SW was my first exposure to Sci Fi), I never got into the fandom. I suppose I could put them in my Netflix Q when I get home from work. I think it would be fun to watch at least, be warned I may have tons of questions!!!