Possible The Office spinoff?

There’s a rumor floating around Hollywood about a 2013 mid-season The Office spinoff based on Dwight. He tweeted not to believe everything you read in the papers, but didn’t really say it’s not happening, so this remains a live rumor.

I took a stab at suggesting an insider’s ‘leaked’ version of what the show will be about on reddit, but no bites yet from anyone believing it:



"Leaving Pennsylvania behind, ‘Dwight Shrute:Vampire Hunter’ sees the beloved character moving to St. Louis to take on a supernatural problem that leaves the city ‘beet red’ with blood.

In a daring departure from the sitcom/documentary model pioneered by the US television series ‘The Office’, Vampire Hunter is said to be filmed entirely from the POV (‘point of view’) of each character. Producers claim the new filming style will add a feel of immediacy to the show lacking in other productions and is guaranteed to shake things up.

Vampire Hunter’s premiere will feature guest appearances by two regulars from The Office and is planned to replace an as-of-yet undetermined struggling show. “We’re leaving the final decision up to the people at home”, said Jean-Claude Asher, senior production manager, joking “especially those with Nielsen” (in reference to the Nielsen broadcast ratings system).

Final character composites are still in progress, but producers ‘in the know’ have described the protagonist as being a ‘polyamorous Necromancer with a heart of gold and the ability to summon the dead to help in his war on supernatural crime’."

rather seee that than the below
