Podcast Topic Suggestion: Equilibrium (The one staring Christian Bale)

I have a suggestion for a future podcast movie topic, Equilibrium. I know that some might argue that the effects are cheesy or stolen from other movie styles (can anyone say Matrix?), but the main idea or thesis of the story is very strong and I would love to hear what the GWC crew think about it.

I think that the idea that creativity and feeling can be absent is sensless and defeats the purpose of man’s existence. I am totally behind the main character’s reasoning.

What does the GWC Crew think?:cool:

Very intriguing movie. A little derivative, as you said, but unique enough to warrant further scrutiny, IMO.

Equilibrium is an awesome movie. I enjoyed the book Fahrenheit 451 but never any film version of the same story until i saw that.

Has anyone seen Ultraviolet with Milla Jovovich? Apparently that is an unofficial sequel to Equilibrium but i’ve never seen it so don’t know how true that is.

I really liked Equilibrium, very sylistic. And Christian Bale is always good in whatever he does.
I also liked Ultraviolet. Another sylistic film.

that movie was awsome. didn’t get alot of ads and stuff i like it alot:):slight_smile:

Great movie!
