Podcast Suggestions

What about shows on “Labyrinth” and "The Pricess Bride? Or to go along w/ your past “Star Wars” ones - “Space Balls”?

Are you proposing them as one-offs? Or is there an arc theme I’m missing?

One-offs. Sorry for putting it here but I didn’t see a folder for one-offs.

No, you’re fine. I don’t think we have one.

We could turn this thread into a one-off suggestions thread, if there’s interest. However, I think think you’ve got a better shot by coming up with an interesting arc of content.

Well, you could start with Stardust, move to the Princess Bride, and then round out with Men in Tights for the fantasy aspect, and if you really wanted tack on Spaceballs as a progression in Mel Brooks films after Men in Tights (or use Spaceballs as a bridge to a sci-fi parody arc to follow.)