I hope this is the right place to post this. If not, feel free to have me boxed.
For the past few weeks, possibly since the mobo swap, my podcatcher (IcePodder) has been retrieving files with hexidecimal names rather than the traditional “GWC-Podcast-xxx.mp3” filenames.
Here is a directory listing from my GWC podcast folder sorted by time, most recent first:
ls -t ../Galactica\ Watercooler
0498833b660ff34d23977 GWC-Podcast-87.mp3 GWC-Podcast-70.mp3 GWC-Podcast-54.mp3 GWC-Podcast-37 Zen.mp3*
0ff28ed0a069be60a88dd GWC-Podcast-86.mp3 GWC-Podcast-69.mp3 GWC-Podcast-53.mp3 GWC-Podcast-36 Zen.mp3*
0b545fa3c504f44693601 GWC-Podcast-85.mp3 GWC-Podcast-68.mp3 GWC-Podcast-51.mp3 GWC-Podcast-35.mp3*
0fd29b9b62119ed846941 GWC-Podcast-84.mp3 GWC-DTA-2.mp3 GWC-Podcast-52.mp3 GWC-Podcast-34 zen.mp3*
085f43b1a018f024a08d2 GWC-Podcast-83.mp3 GWC-DTA-1.mp3 GWC-Podcast-50.mp3 GWC-Podcast-33.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-99.mp3 GWC-Podcast-82.mp3 GWC-Podcast-67.mp3 GWC-Podcast-49.mp3 GWC-Podcast-32 zen.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-98.mp3 GWC-Podcast-81.mp3 GWC-Podcast-66.mp3 GWC-Podcast-48.mp3 GWC-Here-In-CIC.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-97.mp3 GWC-Podcast-80.mp3 GWC-Podcast-65.mp3 GWC-Podcast-47.mp3 GWC-Podcast-27.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-96.mp3 GWC-Podcast-79.mp3 GWC-Podcast-64.mp3 GWC-Podcast-46.mp3 GWC-Podcast-28.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-95.mp3 GWC-Podcast-78.mp3 GWC-Podcast-63.mp3 GWC-Podcast-45.mp3 GWC-Podcast-24.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-94.mp3 GWC-Podcast-77.mp3 GWC-Podcast-62.mp3 GWC-Podcast-44.mp3* GWC-Podcast-25.mp3*
411_080403.mp3 GWC-Podcast-76.mp3 GWC-Podcast-61.mp3 GWC-Podcast-26.mp3* GWC-Podcast-23.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-93.mp3 GWC-Podcast-75.mp3 GWC-Podcast-60.mp3 GWC-Podcast-43.mp3* GWC-Podcast-30.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-92.mp3 GWC-Podcast-74.mp3 GWC-Podcast-59.mp3 GWC-Podcast-42.mp3* GWC-Podcast-29.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-91.mp3 GWC-Podcast-73.mp3 GWC-Podcast-58.mp3 GWC-Podcast-41 zen.mp3* GWC-Podcast-31.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-90.mp3 GWC-DTA-3.mp3 GWC-Podcast-57.mp3 GWC-Podcast-40 zen.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-89.mp3 GWC-Podcast-72.mp3 GWC-Podcast-56.mp3 GWC-Podcast-39 zen.mp3*
GWC-Podcast-88.mp3 GWC-Podcast-71.mp3 GWC-Podcast-55.mp3 GWC-Podcast-38 zen.mp3*
This not a huge deal, but it sort of wrecks the script I use to gather up podcast files for my portable mp3 player. I’d like to see if there’s not something that could be done on somebody’s part to fix it.
Am I using the correct subscription feed?
I hate to be a bother, but if you can tell me anything I’d appreciate it.
Keep up the good work. I’m Really enjoying your content.