Plot of Episode VII? - Conjecture

(I bolded specific parts of your post to show my reasoning)
It sounds to me like you squarely fit in that first group. :slight_smile:

A poor choice of words perhaps. Something about what he said still rubbed me the wrong way. Star Wars is great because it can be enjoyed by all ages, it doesn’t have to be “aimed” at anyone. Yes, I did see it when I was young, so that makes me an old school fan, but I was 13 when Episode I came out and somewhat disappointed by that movie, and it wasn’t because I was out of the target demographic. sigh
Ok, bottom line, I love the original Star Wars and many of the games and novels around it. Lets keep that going.

Have you heard of the ‘machete order’ viewing method for Star Wars? I recommend this:

Star Wars
Empire Strikes Back
Episode I (optional, you can actually skip it)
Episode II
Episode III
then Return of the Jedi. You can play Episode I or not, doesn’t make a huge difference, but by viewing it in this order your kid gets the great reveal about Vader THEN gets to see the backstory about how Anakin became what he was while the idea of Anakin is still fresh, then finally ROTJ wraps the whole arc (including Anakin’s redemption) up.

I might have to try this way with my 6yr old son and 3yr old girl. I got the blu-rays two christmases ago and still have not opened them up yet. Need to do that soon.

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Is George solely responsible? No he is not? Is it his fault? Yes it is and here’s why: he insisted on retaining final say on everything and by fiat the reason for the levels of canon. He chose to let the authors writing post-Jedi novels take the creative direction they did regardless of whether or not it jibed with his own vision. Like an uninvolved parent who tells his kids, “Go ahead and do whatever as long as you don’t break anything,” he dismissed what was going on in the EU as supplemental but not important to his own vision. So along comes Episode II to contradict the very info he gave Timothy Zahn for his Heir… trilogy, the very books that jumpstarted Star Wars-fandom for the 90’s and paved the way for Episode I. From what I can recall he also did have the final say on R.A. Salvatore killing Chewie in “Vector Prime.”

Now let me clarify, I’m not bitter. He had several companies to run and didn’t have the time or interest to read every bit of EU fiction that was put out. However it’s for that very reason he should have handed final creative control on every facet to a group of people who paid attention and cared, like us fans do. As it is now, we’re about to see continuity get very strange.

I need details on that. Loved those books, my only EU experience. Given a choice I would say Zahn is cannon, episode II…not so much.

I was actually going to say I like the idea of this being 40 years after which skips over the Zahn work (again, neophyte, this is simply my understanding) because I want the movie to be something utterly new and awesome. I fully expect JJ to make Jedis cool again and give them street cred. I expect this to build on the foundation of the EU and where possible not contradict it. I also want the Zahn trilogy shot, but not from JJ, not for this new trilogy but for one of the side projects they are talking about doing (Boba Fett, Han Solo features).

I may be setting myself for colassal failure, but I do have a new hope (all puns are intended). If JJ did what he did with Star Trek, a franchise he wasn’t a fan of…imagine what he will do with Star Wars…a franchise he adores.

I hope they tie in the EU in some way. They don’t need to go into a lot of specifics, but have Ben and Jaina as the main heroes, maybe explaining that Ben’s mother and Jaina’s brothers died without going into detail explaining the 40 years of history.

I like the idea of the Falcon disappearing with the big three on board, then having Ben and Jaina trying to find out what happened and who would have been powerful enough to capture or kill them.

I figure the Legacy comics are pretty much going to be discarded by the movies, but they could get away without making many changes to the Post-RotJ novels.

Here is what I hope: They go Kirkman on this. Obviously JJ did not create or contribute to the EU, but he can have some advisors well steeped in the 'verse and allow him to pick and choose the things that really worked or simply frame it out so he can work in that space. A lot of really smart people have added a lot of intellectual capital here, would be a shame to blow it away.