Pitch Black 7/16 @ 10 PM ET

Friday, 16 July 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“All you people are so scared of me. Most days I’d take that
as a compliment. But it ain’t me you gotta worry about now.”

Definitely one of those underated sci-fi movies. I wish I was going to home in time to watch it. I am curious to see what people think of it.

Am I late? Did we start yet?

Starting at :15!

Have you seen this before?

starting now!

Several times.

That’s what you get for flying coach.

Wouldn’t this ship be shielded against micro-meteor strikes?

She’s as bad as Deanna Troi! :eek:

Reminds me of the last flight I was on. Minus the crash landing.

“Someone’s gonna get hurt one of these days. It ain’t gonna be me.”

You sure about that? :eek:

Lots of prisoners, religious travellers, and in-flight fatal injuries?

How do you which way Mecca is if you’re not on Earth?

I love this movie. The protagonist is NOT riddick the first hour and a half, but he is extremely cool. I think they did a disservice in CoR when they made him so much more touchy feely

I thought that was Vala Mal Doran.

Whiny fractured passengers, and all the turbulence you could ask for.

Democratic vote?

And completely retconned everything we learn about him in this film.

Don’t be silly. That’s Aeryn Sun. :stuck_out_tongue:

How much turbulence would anyone ask for?