Pick up Lines

Anyone have any humours SciFi related pick up lines?
Cant think of any now ill post some later

From what I understand these could be applied to Dualla in BSG:


As well as:


a few off the inter webs:
Your mouth says, ‘Shields up!’, but your eyes say, ‘A hull breach is imminent.’
You, me, here… this couldn’t be any better if I programmed the holodeck myself!

I can’t help it – my eyes are trapped in the gravitational field of your breasts!
Why don’t we head to my bedroom, peel back my Star Wars sheets, and discover what a true Jedi can do with his light sabre?
What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this when there’s a Farscape marathon on right now on the Sci Fi channel.
I’ve been told I have the cool sexual prowess of a Romulan.
“Urkuk lu Stalga.” That’s Klingon for “I love you baby.”
Once you make love to a man with Vulcan ears on you never go back.
How 'bout I slip into something more comfortable… like these STAR TREK VOYAGER pajamas!
Not only can I beam you aboard, I can beam you a woody.

Someone must have shot you with a phaser set on ‘stunning’.
Tell me of this thing you humans call (pause) love.
Forgive my Kirk-like boldness, but you wanna go back to my mom’s place and watch ‘Dr. Who’?
Earth woman, prepare to be probed!
Nice Ass…imov.

You had me at this one, Boxy.

Boxy, Boxy, Boxy.

Let me save you 10 years of waiting to figure this out. Women don’t respond to pick up lines. They respond to you. They want you to hear them. They want you to care about who they are and what they have to say. They want you to care about why they care about you.

In short, they’re people just like you. Not another race. Really!

Learn this, and you’ll form better and more valuable relationships years ahead of your peers.

And no, I’m not kidding. This is a secret that it takes most men years to learn – if they ever do.

Hate to disagree with you, Chuck, but they almost always do (if only because they feel that they have to say something.)

The trick is, what do you say after the pickup line? It’s not a ‘line’ the way most guys understand it, it’s a way to start a conversation. It almost always gets a ‘ha-ha’ moment at best, or a withering glance at worst. That’s OK. You have to continue that conversation. Can you mitigate a negative reaction? Do you have a backup conversation in pocket? Plan this crap out, nerds, that’s what you’re good at, after all.

(FWIW, the GF is a hottie, so I know of what I speak.)

Short and sweet, as said by Billy Dee- “Hell-o, what have we here?” Then a few hours later you could say “Works every time!” to bookend the night with Billy Dee quotes. It’s just a suggestion.

…and don’t forget.
The proper response to “Frak off!” is a respectful bow while uttering “By your command”.

In Chuck’s defense, of course, I think he means women don’t respond to pickup lines alone. There’d better be something else worthwhile there besides the cute saying if you want to get to know her. :slight_smile:

Although it depends vastly on the woman, I think it’s worth pointing out that some women think it’s sweet when a guy works up the gumption to use a cheesy line - it may only indicate awkwardness, not shallowness, and that can be perceived as kind of cute.

Not sure if you’re planning to use any of the sci-fi lines, Boxy, but good luck with it. If you want my opinion, the number one quality a girl will like right off the bat is if you have the confidence to be yourself. Go get 'em! :wink:


I was tempted to write something like…
“Is that a phaser in your pocket… or are you just happy to see me.”

But I thought it was too cliche. So I cheated and googled and found this site…

My favourite one from there is:

“Forgive my Kirk-like boldness, but you wanna go back to my mom’s place and watch ‘Dr. Who’?”

Thus inspired I have been formulating a few BSG pick up lines:

“Forgive my Baltar-like boldness, but I am just going to stand here in the corridor and drool.”

“My tub of goo or yours?”

“I need you. Be my head 6”

“Do you come here often? Or did they destroy your planet too?”

“You’re a babe. So say we all.”


“Hey, babe, is this guy boring you? Come talk to me; I’m from another planet.” – Zaphod Beeblebrox

I am going straight to hell for this…
Listen baby, the approach will not be easy. I will be required to maneuver straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point. The target area is only two meters wide. It’s a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station and make you whoop like a Wookie.

Solai – do you take a easel with you to the bar so you can use diagrams and a pointer stick to help her understand the process… LOL

Kudos, and thanks for the laugh today… :wink:

Where we are going we won’t need…

<flips down sunglassess>


what if their aliens?

owned chuck
yes i know soley a pick-up line dosent work
i thopught we could share them for group amusment
i dont really have any want or need to use them

Amen to that, Chuck. Nothing makes you look like more of a dweeb than a cheesy pickup line. Just pay them a compliment, start chatting to them and you shall go far, young man. Yes, you’ll get knockbacks now and then, but believe it or not, EVERYONE does, even those that say they don’t.


Just ask Hotdog.

Hotdog: “Man I’ve got a rash”
Helo: “I hope she was worth it…”


Here on Altair IV we like to meet women the old fashioned way.

Here on Altair IV, maybe as a second date, we like to take our women folk out for a drive.