Parsec Awards

The Crüe needs your help, quickly.

The good news is that GWC was nominated for a Parsec award. Woot. The bad news is that because of a snafu they weren’t told about it until it was almost too late.

In order to be judged they need to put together essentially a, “Demo reel” containing up to three excerpts from shows that were originally released within the nomination period of May 1st, 2008 (GWC Podcast #98:The Road Less Traveled) and April 30th, 2009 (GWC Podcast #163: Star Trek IX: Insurrection).

You may recall we started a similiar effort called, “Crew Needs Your Help IDing Great Podcast Moments” however none of the moments identified fit into the date range.

Here is what to think about when you coming up with ideas:

  1. Sample should be representative of the podcast
  2. Given that they get three samples and 10 minutes, shoot for examples that are around two to five minutes. One liners or quick back and forths don’t really work.

Other than that, totally up to you. When posting in this thread please indicate podcast #, start time, end time and subject matter.

Chuck will be putting the submission together this Thursday, so that is when we need your suggestions by.

Thank you in advance!

I have been gone for so long from the forums … but I wanted to come back and give the Crüe some congrats on being nominated.

that’s awesome! you guys rock!

I wish i still had the time to frequent the boards, but I miss you all (at least those I don’t talk to regularly on twitter) , and hope to hear from you all soon.

much love –

Podcast #102 Sine Qua Non
Start: 1:01:21
Stop: 1:04:56

Discussion of Tigh being in charge, destuction of the wooden ship…again and a show ala Gallager style destoring the ship. Typical rambling and reference to Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy…good stuff. :slight_smile:

So, looking at the Parsec award website, I’m assuming that GWC falls into the “Best Infotainment Podcast” category? Is that correct? Everything else seems to be about “speculative fiction,” which is new terminology to me. From the site:

Best “Infotainment” Cast
[li]Podcasts that have content of an educational nature, presented in an entertaining format[/li]> [/ul]

I’m guessing the category that Galactica Quorum won last year:

Best Speculative Fiction Fan Podcast

* Podcasts created by and for the fans of a given type, style or genre of literary or entertainment work or series of works that have elements speculative fiction

Spec Fic just means scifi/fantasy/horror.

Podcast #158 (Bonus)
Start 8:09
Stop: 11:44

Start of interview with Michael Hogan…not representative of the podcast overall, but representative for the podcasts towards the end of BSG where there were lots of short interviews with some of the actors. :slight_smile:

That’s all from me…hope there are lots more suggestions to work with by Thursday!

GWC was nominated for, “Best Fan” podcast category.

Got my first one:

Podcast 125, 3:09 to 5:09. "Audible discussion to NPR and smartest listeners, Nixon/Pumpkin call.

Time permitting add 5:09 to 6:09 - Call regarding Flux capacitor day. Awesome.

I like this because it highlights the integration with the community and the strength of the community. Plus it gets banter, humor…a nice package.

What better moment than the RDM interview?

Podcast 145, 1:32:13 - 1:36:00


Podcast 100, 50:03 - 51:32 The Undiscovered Country, Humans and Cylons living together.

              152:13 - 154:32 Juandrew's 100ep Tribute Song

Good stuff in the Live casts relating to the “Fan cast” category.

Wow. Listening to X-Men 'cast and I forgot how great this analysis is. The first 20 minutes is filled with quality (around 10, 14, 18, 20) but I think the best is the Wolverine analysis

21:10 Wolverine analysis
23:31 - 25:49 - subset of Wolverine analysis but can be done by itself for time’s sake. This focuses on loyalty and honor, compares to iRobot, compare to Cyclops…great piece.


16:30-19:30 - Star Trek analysis, Kirk v. Picard

There is a lot of goodness between 133-140. Couple of highlights

133–135.16 - Orig Star Trek progressive
135.16 - 138.10 - Role of women and other ethnic groups

Someone who has #50 at hand check for the origin of “SorryBarb”

Earliest we can do Pike is #98 which drives me crazy because on of my favorite rants is in the early 90s. Ah well.


Those who don’t have all the podcasts must turn in their geek cards. :stuck_out_tongue:

Since we re-watch shows why don’t we do podcast re-listens?

Too meta.

Baltar’s Dad

When do we find out if we…I mean, the Crue, wins?
[crosses fingers]

Bad news:

I’ve been pulling all-nighters on a work project and wasn’t able to carve out the three or four hours it’d take to pull the backups and assemble the clip. They only gave us an extension to today, so I missed it. I suck.

Thank you so much to those of you who nominated us. It really means a lot to us that you think well enough of us to put us forward, and I’m really sorry I let you down in the submission. Now that we know the process we’ll stay on top of it and should you choose to nominate us next year I’ll be able to follow up earlier and get them a truly representative reel.


Every sliver lining has a dark cloud…

I hereby award you golden “frak phones” for service above and beyond the call of duty…(by you…I mean the entire crue…On “air” and behind the scenes.

No biggie Chuck. Work comes first since it pays the bills. Everyone understands that. It was fun to go back and try to find clips that made me think or laugh.