Original BSG Re-watch and Arc?

Might be fun to do a rewatch and podcast arc of of the original 1970s BSG - or at lease select episodes, as some were pretty bad. But it would at least be interesting to do a compare and contrast of some of the characters like Adama, etc.

The one and only season of it is available on Hulu.com, so it would be free for everyone with broadband to follow along.

With you there. It wasn’t really a bad show, but I think 1980 left a strong taste in everyone’s mouth.

Let’s do one episode. No need to chase everybody away by exposing them to the entire season of old BSG.

I would suggest the original two-part series opener.

Which was a three-parter, IIRC.

Indeed it was.

not to be a hater, but i vote against. i’ve tried watching old school BSG before. i’ve never lasted longer than five minutes. plus, the original show is the main reason i’ve had trouble getting my friends and family to give the new show a chance. in my experience, anything that serves to remind people of the original show (with the exception of Richard Hatch) tends to be to the detriment of the new show. i’m not trying to be negative here, just realistic.

I see your point, but since we’re all already fans of the new BSG, I don’t think we’ll do anything but increase our appreciation for Ron Moore’s vision.


(don’t mind me, just getting up to the minimum post length)

Hmm… I could watch the opener, I suppose. As a kid I really liked the original series… but I was young, and it hasn’t aged well.

The ironic thing is that RIS has pretty much re-done all the TOS episodes in one form or another. I was never really into TOS, but after watching the entire series I think it’s kind of fun. It doesn’t compare to the new BSG, but it’s no worse than Star Trek.

I wouldn’t go that far

While I would support a rewatch, I don’t think I can agree with the last point…

Edit: Damn, LD beat me to it…

Double Edit: Maybe I could almost agree with you if you were only talking Voyager…:wink:

Didn’t mean to offend the Trek fans. :stuck_out_tongue: I guess I should said no worse than Buck Rogers.

Yeah, that’s about right…