Open-Source Programming

I was wondering if anyone else here is involved in the open source world? I’m a developer for the blender project myself. I find open source programming very rewarding (both personally and professionally, the last part especially helpful since I lack a formal college degree in computer science).

I enjoy working with users to create the best tools possible, especially since I’m a user myself and I need the best tools possible. It’s so different from most commercial projects, where the needs of the users are often subordinated to other priorities. Though I admit there are open source projects that are the same way.

Anyway, I’m just curious if anyone else in this community is active in the OSS world, and what their experiences with their communities are.

I am involved in the community that produces Penguicon I am by no means a programmer in the slightest. I ask these guys any questions I have.

you guys do great work at blender!

i’ve been wanting to create a input method on ubuntu, but i have no clue where to start…

I’m not a developer by any means, but I’m an avid Fedora user and know how to build from source, create a spec file, and create an RPM. Been using Linux for 10 years now. I work as a sysadmin for a VoIP company that does hosted IVRs.

I’m a pretty good programmer though, I’ve just never gotten into OSS development.