Ohh my god oh my god...

Okay so maybe i have A small man crush on this guy… but a truly great actor a great series (considering the pilot) Espinson and marsters finally together again…

James marsters on Caprica

makes me happy


oh wow… can’t imagine Spike being a mastermind… he seemed more Baltar to me, but I am sure James Marsters will bring some dark humour into Caprica.

The man played Brainiac, for Chrisakes–he has range!

James Marsters was the only thing that made that particular season of Smallville watchable. Very good news, although I’m pretty sure we were all going to watch Caprica regardless who was cast. Here’s hoping for Jimmy Smits as another Adama relative.

Marsters also played Captain Argyus on Star Wars the Clone Wars: Cloak of Darkness. Definitely check it out too.

Cool. Since Joss has been stealing all of Ron’s actors (Penikett, Bamber, Hogan), I wonder how many more Ron intends to steal back? Who else from the Whedonverse would be good in Caprica?

Everybody… :smiley:

Doh! <smacks forehead>

You are, of course, correct, sir… question withdrawn.:slight_smile:


I want Caprica Clem, full on demon makeup it makes no sense but someone needs to keep those kittens in line… and occasionally pull a Beetlejuice

How about Felicia Day as one of Zoey’s cult buddies or Nick Fillion as a police detective looking for the cult

I could actually picture him more as one of the Tauron mafiosos that Joe Adama was involved with in the miniseries. Though the British accent and Tauron accent are slightly different …

Quote by Bigdamnhero:
Cool. Since Joss has been stealing all of Ron’s actors (Penikett, Bamber, Hogan), I wonder how many more Ron intends to steal back? Who else from the Whedonverse would be good in Caprica?
2 Days Ago 07:06 AM

How about Nicholas Brendon, haven’t seen him around for a while.