Official 2011 Meetup Flickr Group

Alpacas Assemble!

I hereby release the official 2011 GWC International Meetup Flickr group unto the world!

Got any photos related to this upcoming meetup? Join the group and add your photos!

Oh yeah! I’m ready to get my Alpaca on now…and I haz to wait til March!

Hahaha, you guys are so funny! I will look forward to seeing all the pics here.

Should we post ID picks?

Sorry I haven’t uploaded any of my pictures…have a bunch to edit before uploading to the Flickr pool. And I’ll prolly take more this morning before leaving for the airport. User names will be added eventua ly too. I will get them uploaded after I get home this evening…or tomorrow morning if I crash after arriving home. Need more sleep!

Great to see the pics :smiley: Looks like everyone is having a great time :smiley:

Okay, my pictures are uploaded to the pool. Names and descriptions will be added as I get time!

Gryper- ossim pix! Love em!

I’ve been posting mine as soon as I get the chance- been dumping my little snappy camera daily, but there will be a bunch more from the HD cam! That has to wait till I can get home to my desktop.

What a great time.

brought to you by the makers of Sean’s Cream…

Thanks B! I was going to upload some from the Rover Saturday afternoon but the WiFi wasn’t letting me connect. I’ve got a few people that I couldn’t remember their user names last night as I got more and more sleepy.

I have descriptions on all my pic now. Just have 2 Alpacas (my sincere apologies) that I can’t remember their forum names so have ? marks there. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi…or anyone who knows please let me know so I can fix that!

Everybody’s pictures came out great!

Great photos!

It’s nice to put some faces to the names =D

Uploading now. Some came out a little blurry. I’ll try to label them this year.

I uploaded my pics from the tattoo parlor!

Added mine last night! I love all the different variations of the group pic.

Looks liek you really had a blast.
Nice comments by Grypher, Apollymy and bkitty. :smiley:

I appear to have been looking at the camera in exactly one of them!

Thank you to everyone uploading their pictures! I know I’m not the only one who is enjoying browsing them :slight_smile:

I have uploaded about half my pics now. Will do the rest tomorrow. I’m loving browsing them all! Keep em coming!

The pics are great! Thanks to everyone for posting these.