Odd theory involving Smokey and Jughead

Last night’s episode of Lost, “Follow the Leader”, was quite interesting and gave us the usual mix of lots of questions and few answers that we have come to expect from Lost. I’m not going to go into the details of the plot here but instead want to follow up on an odd line of thought that occurred to me while watching.

In the course of this episode, Jack, Sayid, Elle and Richard swim through an underwater tunnel into a series of underground corridors that lead to what looks like a temple where the Others had hidden the hydrogen bomb from earlier in the season. We had previously been told by Elle that this was somewhere under the DHARMA village.

(I must point out here that a 23 year old hydrogen bomb is extremely unlikely to detonate; the radioactive material would have decayed too much in that time. But I’ll accept TV logic an just move on.)

I thought of the tunnel that Ben had concealed in the closet of his home in Dharmaville that also led to an underground tunnel and wondered if the two were the same. After all, it is doubtful that there are two sets of Egyptian-looking corridors in the area. This is the tunnel that Ben uses to call Smokey the Monster, once successfully (last season) and once less so (a few episodes back).

Then another thought came to me. Most of the characters have been bouncing around through time for most of this season. Have we ever seen Smokey the Monster (or even a mention of it) in any scene taking place in the “past”? The DHARMA people don’t seem aware of it; at least they never mentioned it. There never seemed to be a concern over it at any of the DHARMA stations. They only worried about the “Hostiles”.

So then I came to this curious observation. Prior to “The Incident” there was a hydrogen bomb on the Island but apparently no sign of Smokey. After The Incident Smokey the Monster is running around on The Island but there is no indication of a Hydrogen Bomb.

So, a very odd thought but… Is Smokey the Monster Jughead the Bomb?

Years ago author Fred Saberhagen wrote the novel Empire of the East. (Actually a series of short novels, but that’s irrelevant.) Empire of the East was a fantasy novel with a twist. It contained all the usual fantasy trappings, wizards, warriors, magic and the like, but it also had many technological items, mostly as old, decaying items from “the ancients”.

Much of the novel told of the struggle against an evil demon. Toward the end of the novel the truth was revealed. The world of Empire of the East was our world far in the future. It seems that a group of scientists from our near future had discovered something that they thought would end nuclear war; an energy field that would prevent nuclear reactions from occurring. A war breaks out and they activate the device. The device causes the nuclear bombs to not work and, somehow, causes magic to start to work, creating the world of the novel.

But, one very large bomb was caught by the field just as it detonated. The energy of the explosion was somehow transformed and it became the evil demon of the novel.

So, have the writers of Lost ever read Saberhagen? Who knows, but consider this idea. Suppose Jack and company manage to set off the bomb. Suppose they do it just as the workers at the Swan station break into the energy pocket underground. And, suppose the energy release from the Swan and the explosion of the bomb somehow interact. Instead of either one destroying The Island, instead they produce… Smokey the Monster.

Far fetched? Yes. Likely? I doubt it? But still, an interesting idea…

I love that idea. Could be the bomb goes off and releases smokey. I don’t think it’s that far-fetched.

At the end of the episode, I turned to my wife and said, “Wouldn’t it be wild if they killed off all the principle characters? Then next season all the main characters would be Widmore and the crew headed to the shadow of the Statue.” I mean, that would be a shocker, no? Probably never happen though.

A couple things:

  1. In ‘Left Behind’, We see that the sonic fence is effective in keeping out the smoke monster. It was never mentioned that it was designed for that purpose, but it would stand to reason, and the fence is up and running in 1977.
  2. In ‘Dead is Dead’ an image of the smoke monster is depicted in the hieroglyphics, which would suggest that the monster is at least as old as the temple.

Just some random thoughts. Its a good theory and not near as far fetched as some others I’ve heard.

One thing is certain. ‘The Incident’ will be a game changing mind f*ck setting up season 6. I’m guessing that whatever is in that box will come into play in a big way.

I’m sorry that I can’t quote the episode, but there was an exchange between Richard Alpert and the 1977 Dharma folks where he mentions that the fence was only good at keeping other things out. I’m paraphrasing, but there was a strong innuendo that they both knew what he meant and it was Smokey.

I love the idea and want to check out that book. I don’t mind, but some people may want spoiler tags in case they want to read the book too. :wink:

In the nature of fun discussion, I want to add my own theory that is a slight tangent to something you’ve said… there seems to be several instances where water acts as a barrier of some sorts. My theory is that smokey “can’t swim”. Maybe it’s part of the river styx myth, or maybe it’s the basis for any other water is a barrier myths out there (vampires, whatever), but I’m forced to think “what can you do to contain an entity that can fit through any crack or hole?” Maybe filling the small basin that Ben used to call to him with water was how they kept him from coming out that hole, and the underwater access way through the waterfall may be another.

That’s a good point. I’ve always wondered if Smokey is time’s mechanism for course correction for when someone tries to change the past and steer things away from their true destiny.

I’ve noticed that smokey is racist. He beat up poor mr echo. He fraked with the other black guy with the kid. He mostly lets white people go except for the pilot. And even when the marines killed Ben’s hot daughter he only threw them around a bit but didn’t kill them. Yup, he’s racist :frowning:

When did he “frake” with Michael and Walt?

to be a focus of the temple. Perhaps there is some method of controlling him there where Ben was judged.

There’s a lot of speculation that the Smoke Monster and Jacob’s Nemesis/Esau/The Man in Black are either the same entity or in collusion with each other. I think this theory holds a lot of water.

The other thing I’m pretty certain of is that whoever or whatever controlled the time jumps in the first part of S5 has to be in league with Jacob’s Nemesis since things the jumps were timed so perfectly to send Locke down the path that got him dead and resurrected.

You’re right. last night I thought how Locke ended up back on the island. Christian told him that he had to bring the Ocianic 6 back, but after his suicide attempt/murder from Ben he wasn’t anymore in control with what happened with his (=Locke’s body). Ben was with Flocke and Alpert when they saw wounded Locke in the one time jump and somewhere in there it must have gotten into Ben’s head that they had to take Locke back to the Island, even if he was only a corpse.
Could Ben be an incarnation of MIB all along??:eek:

I was really confused there for a bit… I thought the thread name was Ood theory… and then i didn’t find anything about the ood… Carry on…

So you all have helped the show make more sense.

The best I guess I can offer is that it seems the cast have caused their very predicament, which is a paradox. Would this MIB be the one to unravel the paradox?