Ocean's Twelve 5/24 @ 10 PM ET

Monday, 24 May 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“You know, I was once in a vault while it was being robbed.”

No interest this evening?

Alrighty. Let’s reconvene tomorrow. How about 6PM?

funny that there was a frak party scheduled - the movie was randomly on bravo starting a bit earlier

Starting at :15.

Spinning up the FTL.

Have you seen this, Badger?

Nope, I’ve only seen the eleventh. I can’t even find the first ten. :rolleyes:

Ocean’s 5 was alright. It had Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall. Eddie Murphy turned down a part in it.

Love how stylized these films are. This is a great beginning.

The Crue said she knew he was the perp, at this point. I don’t think so.

Love the music in this also.

Catherine Zeta Jones is amazing. swoon

Brad Pitt being sexy. Can’t go wrong there. :slight_smile:

“That’s too oxblood.”

Is that even a color?

“Casing the Jewelry Store.”

Love his facial expression there.

I’m running a little late, I’ll catch up with you all in a few minutes.

Andy Garcia uses that cane effectively. He is a dick.

‘And that very special honeymoon trip to Epcot center…’

What a great way to introduce everyone back to the audience.

I hear Chuck laughing his arse off during this bleep scene.