So, time for me to come out of the closet on this one: why the hate for nuking the fridge?
I ask because I seem to be the only person who thought this was an incredibly clever and plausible solution to the impossible situation: if you find yourself on a nuclear bomb test site with 20 seconds how do you survive?
When you line up the Ark of the Covenant solution (don’t open your eyes whilst everyone melts), Temple of Doom solution (avoid the guy who can pull your heart of our your chest by squirming) Last Crusade solution (talk to the immortal Crusade Knight) or the Crystal Skull scenario (I don’t know, something about aliens) I honestly don’t get why people fixate on the fridge. For a group of people who generally accept you can stick a time machine in a Delorean I find it baffling that the decision to get in a lead lined stainless steel container is such a stretch.
I know I will be in the minority on this one, but I do want to understand how when you line up all the other suspensions of disbelief why this moment sticks out so uniformly? I do harbor a belief that people who walked out of the theater didn’t think poorly of the fridge moment but later read someone’s criticism and got swept away in it.