November/December 2010 Book Selection Discussion

Hello all!
For those of us in the northern hemisphere fall is getting into swing, so it’s time for discussion of the next possible GWC book club selection! If something new has caught your eye, or you want to bump something that was mentioned ages ago, please do so. I’ll post a poll with the top 20 options on October 15. You have until then to make suggestions.

Please make sure that any text that you want to nominate has ITS OWN THREAD. If there is already a thread on that text, bump it. If there’s not, create your own. Suggestions made only in this thread will not be included in the October 15 poll, however, debate may help your favorite choice win out this time around!

Nice to see McCaffrey’s Dragonflight in the list. I’m thinking of rereading it again regardless of the vote, just to see how it holds up after all this time.

I basically had the Dragonriders of Pern books memorized when I was in middle school, so I came back to them after college and… well I have a lot to say. So even if it’s not the selection we could definitely have a chat about it!

It’s been a looong tiiiime… LOL!

But I loveloveloved that series! There are more that Todd McCaffrey has been writing, but I don’t dig them as much, and I’ve tailed off.

Would love to refresh and discuss, so count me in!!

And Cas, you ARE better than Oprah, in my humble opinion!

I can’t until I get my Christmas Kindle. Count on me being much more involved in the club once I do.

That being said, there are many interesting books I’d be happy to get on board with for the next one, though Pern never really appealed to me in my younger days.