November Book Selection

I realize this normally happens on the 15th, but since I’m going to be loaded down with other tasks tomorrow – and this month’s selections seem to have stabilized – I thought I’d go ahead and post the poll.

A few things to remember:[ul]
[li]You’re voting for the November book of the month. We’ll close the poll at the end of October and announce the winner here and on the blog and podcast Nov. 1.[/li][li]You can vote for more than one book, so please select all those you’d be interested in reading.[/li][li]Campaigning is recommended. We’re a friendly bunch, so don’t be afraid to plug a book (or books) you like a lot.[/li][*]Don’t worry if your favorites aren’t selected this time 'round. We’ll close the winning book’s thread and leave the rest open – so there’s no reason your fave couldn’t win next time 'round.[/ul]And finally, don’t forget this is all for fun. I personally plan on reading some of the ones that don’t win, too.

Wheel of Time would probably take more than a month to get thru :slight_smile:

I voted for a lot of those books! Wow. People have some good ideas. I trust the “losers” will get rotated over into the December poll?

Interesting that “The God Delusion” made the list, and good to see that the members will consider non-fiction at times. I happen to believe God is rather more than a “delusion,” but voted for the book all the same, because (a) I wouldn’t mind reading it and (b) I think the GWC group could be trusted to have some lively, civil discussions around it (unlike many other forums on the 'net and in society!).

Where do we post suggestions for future reads?

You bet. I’d be really surprised if we didn’t end up reading a number of these specific books over time.

We thought about limiting it to fiction only, but that seemed kind of draconian – and not our style. Since everyone gets to vote anyway, it seems that everyone has a chance to include/not include it on their own. And the final straw for us in the decision was exactly what you said above: if this community can discuss censorship and abortion from opposite views in a friendly fashion, it can certainly take on Dawkins.

Just start a thread in the Book Selection forum with the title and author in the header. We collect 'em up from there for the vote each month.

I’m actually reading the God Delusion now. It’s good and makes a LOT of points that I never really thought about. Good read.

So should I pick something I’ve already read, or should I pick something I want to read. Or maybe I should wait until the semester is over and I actually have time to read…

Ditto, MikeP. Although I voted for Ender’s Game because it keeps getting suggested to me by people lately.

Not 1984 - great book - but they forced me to read that in highschool so it brings back evil memories. Go Ender’s Game (or LDTTOFS =)


Wheel of Time is amazing, but Robert Jordan recently died - sad, and leaves the sprawling yarn and it’s myriad loose ends very much untied.


Yeah, but he wrote some of the last book, and told the wife and kid how it ended up, so there will be some kind of end to the series.

I didn’t read the last book of WOT because I was a little burnt out from the series, but did they cover so much ground that it could end in the next book?

That would be great. The series is one of my all time favorites, though I was sometimes frustrated by the lack of progress in some storylines.

Not to mention trying to keep track of all the characters!

anf finally, why is everyone always knuckling a mustache or straightening their skirt with a face as hard as stone, etc - haha.

SS =)

IMHO I’d reccomend Enders Game cause its a very easy read but a great story. Plus if you enjoy it (which I think you will), there are two separate (and very different) sequel threads to follow on which are just as good. Although having read it I might try Slaughterhouse 5 myself.

I voted for the long dark tea time of the soul, Id have preferred the first dirk gently book but anything Adams is great,

I’ve never read Ender’s game so look forward to that, Ive got a couple of ideas for next month as well.

Agreed. It looks like this book will finish tied with second or third, so if/when DNA is re-nomminated, it should be “Holistic Detection Agency” that starts us off.

so I bought Enders game today, and ive spent 4 hours straight reading it.

Dammit people have an essay in tomorrow, im not gonna get any sleep tonight and I might not even got onto the essay.

I have never read 1984 but Starnger and Brave have always looked good. I LOVED Logan’s Run and would read that again anytime.

So I finished Ender’s Game today, the reason it took me so long is that I lost the book.

All I can say is…WOW

Good, innit? Ender is such an insightfull and unbeatable charachter. Pretty tough, mentally. If you liked that, can I suggest “Enders Shadow”. Card wrote it 14 years later. It covers pretty much the same story but from Beans’ point of view. He’s a canny little dude. Its as enjoyable as the original.

Note: This poll and thread is closed, and we have a winner! Look for a new poll Nov. 15th.