Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Card Exchange 2012

Borrowing from Keir’s initiative last year:

It doesn’t matter if you picture an obese man in ruby pajamas with a cookie fetish, or are a big fan of flaming multi-pronged pitchforks, or put wreaths of candles and fish on your head, or just sit around with friends and get blasted – December means gifts and cards. It just does. So since there’s a geek-gift exchange under way (thanks in large part to the organizational prowess of Splatz), some GWC tweeple started thinking about card exchanges, which means postal addresses.

If you’re hip to the idea, and want to jump on board to send your favorite (or least favorite, if you white-out the writing inside the awful one you kept from LAST year) cards to a bunch of like-minded GWCers, then you can “opt in” by sending me (Keir) either a PM here in the forum, or a DM over on Twitter (@keirhansen), and provide your email address.

By doing so, I add your visibility to the Google Docs spreadsheet where we’re gathering up names and postal addresses, and if we can all agree (here, please) on a cut-off date to send cards, we can have a fixed idea of who and how many people are in, and where to send them all.

(Yes, I have to set a deadline, else someone comes winging in a week before some holiday, say, Baby-Jee Day, and we’ve already sent cards to everyone else. That will make someone sad. And THAT will make me sad. And I don’t like being sad.)

So there you go. As of the end of November, we have five or six on board already. I’d love to get a few dozen by two weeks into the month – how cool would it be to have a mantle (or if you don’t have a mantle, your bar, I know you all have THOSE) lines with GWC geek holiday cards??

Make it so!

I volunteer to take care of the organization this year - if you’re interested in participating shoot me a PM here or a DM on Twitter. Cut-off date will be December 12, 2012 (a Wednesday). Please discuss, post, etc. :slight_smile:

I’m in!! Yea Holiday Card Exchange!!

Me too! Sounds like fun.

I’m looking forward to this! :slight_smile: Keep the messages coming, friends!

Yes! I loved getting the cards last year. Thanks, Casilda! :slight_smile:

oh I just sent you a DM on Twitter but yes! I’m in : ) I’ll send my address wherever, just tell me where. Yay!

Yay! I love sending and receiving these cards, I encourage everyone to participate if they’re willing and able :smiley:

Hey, sounds great! I’m in. Really looking forward to it.

Casilda, I sent you my email address thru Tapatalk. Hope you got it.

DM me if you’re like a copy of “The Blackthorn DXmas Omnibus, Vol. 1.” It’s a 56-page holiday reader I put together with a friend. Lots of sci-fi stuff, random holiday images, some reverent Christmas material, some funny stuff with F-bombs. Something for everybody! It’s a 25-MB .pdf download. Not only is it free, but it’s extra-free if you print it at work!

Less than a week until we “close out” the address list - PM me if you want in!

I’ve almost finished my card! I’ve never printed anything in color at Kinkos, I hope I can manage it.

Sonofa…! I really need to actually look at the forums once in a while. Just under the wire…

I’ve completed my first batch of cards. Those of you above me on the list should get them in a few days. Those below me, I’ll print off cards for you on the cutoff date (Dec 12, 2 days away!) and mail those off at that time. I have to print them at Kinkos so I want to limit my runs there :slight_smile:

One of you got an upside-down stamp on your envelope. I believe that is supposed to be code for something, but it was just an accident, I promise :smiley: Another of you got an upside down envelope which I don’t believe is code for anything but just in case, that was an accident too.

Tomorrow’s the last day - if I don’t hear from you by 5 pm PST, then that’s it. If you’d still like to participate, PM me your e-mail. Thanks everyone!

Just made it! Thanks to JBob for the reminder. :slight_smile:

I’ll be going to Kinko’s for the last time this year on Thursday morning, and printing cards for everybody who’s on the list at that time. If you put your name on the list after that time I just can’t send you a card this year.

So I’ve never thought of creating a card for christmas but next year I’m totally doing that! I usually buy designed ones that I like but I’m liking these homemade ones I’m getting :smiley: people are so creative ; )

And the address list is closed! I’ve really enjoyed the cards I’ve received so far, really looking forward to the rest :slight_smile: Happy Holidays, friends!

I’m getting my cards ready this weekend! They will be going out soon…