I can’t do it anymore. I have fought the good fight. I have stuck with Heroes through the good and the bad. I defended the show when it went off the rails and would cite articles quoting the show writer saying, “we know we messed up and we are going to fix it”
I have been patient, but no more. My time is valuable and this is one hour I am going to reclaim for myself.
Normally I watch the show near-live, but this Monday I couldn’t motivate myself to watch it. The prior episodes with the crazy carnival guy, Hiro starting a “Dial a hero” agency where his first gig is saving a cat in a tree, Matt Parkman completely at a loss for plot inexplicably determined not to use his power for no reason whatsoever. Claire off to college and her crazy roommate kills herself…can you blame her? She probably read the script.
So last night I finally get around to watching the episode and I did something I haven’t dont in years: I stopped watching before the show was over. Like I said, I am an incredibly patient and forgiving man. I am willing to ignore a lot and celebrate what is good in something…but when Hiro decided to go back in time to save the guy who ruined his life because HE XEROXED HIS BUTT I couldn’t take it anymore. Done. Cya. Kthxbye.
Am I alone on this, or will you simply respond amazed that I made it this far? Either way I am bidding adieu to Heroes. Thanks for some good times old friend, but you have now burned me enough that I can no longer ignore the pain.