Next Arcs: Batman, Lord of the Rings

In case you were wondering, we’ve got two more GWC arcs planned for this year: Batman, and Lord of the Rings.

Batman will start immediately and run for three week, followed by three weeks of LotR. We won’t be tying specific podcasts to specific movies, but rather delivering some fun bits throughout the arc. So if you’re looking to participate fully, your first stop will be the Frak Party forum where FP guru Badgerspoon will likely post a watch schedule for some or all of the films.

Remember, it’s all casual and fun. If you get a chance, pop over and check out some of the fun. If not, don’t worry – the podcasts will be fun for you, too. :slight_smile:

LotR will be straightforward over three weeks, one movie per week. We’re obviously looking forward to it. It’s a subject we’ve longed to discuss, and there’s so much fun to be had doing it. Woot.

So, as far as Batman frak parties, what would everyone be interested in? There are (at least) seven live-actions movies, the '60s TV show, and several hundred hours of cartoons. Several of the cartoons are available to watch online.

I think that Batman Begins & The Dark Knight are a given, obviously. :slight_smile:

I don’t think you can discuss Batman without the sixties TV show getting at least some attention.

woooo! I’m especially looking forward to LotR.

Yay! this sounds like alot of fun! im especially excited to hear a cast centered around the dark knight, and lotr will be extremely awesome as well.

Well, my thinking is this perhaps a few highlighted episodes from the 60’s show the first week or the Pilot movie & something from the animated series.
Second week the Tim Burton Batman from '89 & Batman Returns from '92.
Third week we cover Batman Begins & The Dark Knight

Thots? Complaints? Issues?

Does that mean you want to skip over the Schumacher movies? They are not my favorites by any means, but I think they should be in there somewhere. Maybe we can put them in with the 60s television show, since the Schumacher movies drew a lot from the camp of the 60s show.

ETA: It would also be cool to talk about the music of the Batman movies. From Danny Elfman scoring the two Burton movies, to the rock/alt music of Schumacher, to the music of Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard of the current Batman films.

Personally, I am not a big fan of the 90’s Batman movies & Schumacher’s least of all. However, what I was trying to do with that schedule is try to keep the FP’s around the time limit we usually have them. Given those constraints we cant’ possibly fit them all in. Batman & Batman Returns IMO are the best of the lot from that time period. I was also trying to somehow get both the series from the 60’s as well as somethign from the various animated series. It occurred to me that they would fit well with the 60’s camp. But, I am not running them. It was merely a suggestion & we are all open to other opinions. :slight_smile:

I entered the world of Batman thru Tim Burton’s movie. I know it gets a lot of flak these days–less so, probably, because the Schumacher movies were so atrocious–but it’s iconic in my memory and has a lot to love. Jack Nicholson may have been playing himself as The Joker, but he still scared the hell out of me (more so, frankly, than Heath Ledger, but I guess I’m older now).

Batman: the Animated Series is as close to definitive Batman as it gets in my book. It took the music of the Burton movies, the art deco style from the time of the original comics, a dash of the broodiness of Frank Miller’s contributions (and a dash would really be all I can handle), then dared to add all the modern technology in and make it a single, cohesive time and place. Every story has the dark, stern Knight fighting off all the different manifestations of crazy that Gotham could throw at him.

And it finally gave Robin an un-embarrassing costume. And it gave us Harlequin, a character so good that the comics folded her in to their own stories. And it starred Mark Hamill as the voice of The Joker.

I believe I shall end my case there. Perhaps I have enough for a blog post. Hmm…

Sweet, love to try good old comic book fun. As for Batman guess its time for me to dust off the old cowl. And defend my insane views on my favourite of the Batman movies, yes the dark knight is not it but some great comic discussion will be had.

How 'bout a Joker arc? Caesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and whoeverisinthecartoon.

I’ve been getting a little lax in my podcast listening, even through the very fantabulous Sagan arc. Now, I’m positively giddy. Let’s put a smile on that face!

You mean Mark Hammill?

He’s Joker? OK, him then.

I love me a good Flawed Hero story, and these two arcs certainly qualify! I can’t wait!

Plus, this gives me an excuse to finally sit down and watch The Dark Knight.

And to rewatch for the 1000th time the LOTR movies.


“Allow me to break the ice. My name is Freeze. Learn it well. For it’s the chilling sound of your doom.”

batman AND LotR???


Damn it!

i have my own reasons why i don’t enjoy LoTR… but i am always very fascinated with the languages and scripts that was developed for middle earth.

as for batman, most of my knowlege of batverse came from the batman animations… i watched all 3 batman centric animations starting from the classic 1992 one.

i think the older versions of batman gets gassed too frequently… he gets gassed more often than Lex Luther gets shot on smallville… i guess gas is batman’s kryptonite…

I’m all about the Batman – or mostly about Batman, since assorted logistic and financial issues are preventing me from keeping current – but if someone told me I was going to be memory-wiped and could only retain knowledge of one Batman story, I’d choose Dark Knight Returns. It is, arguably, the definitive modern Batman story.

<<–Batman whooping Superman’s [SorryBarb]

So I guess that’s my longwinded way of saying I hope y’all will touch on that. Or save it for its own four-show arc.

And I say that will all due respect to 60s Batman, which I’d choose over all the Tim Burton and 90s Batman flicks in a heartbeat.

Of course Wesley Willis Whooped both of their [SorryBarb]'s! :wink:

Looking forward to the two arcs though. Loved both Batman, & LotR. Can’t wait to hear the GWC take on stuff.