A new R-rated trailer for Woody Harrelson’s new horror-comedy Zombieland was posted the other day on MySpace.com. It looks very interesting. Take a look but be warned it is a R-rated version it “includes liberal profanity, sexual innuendo and splattery zombie violence.” Because of this I will not embed it, I will link to it so you can decide if you want to see. Be sure to put in your birth date or it will not download
OK, well that just looks awesome. I’m there.
Awsome, I’m in.
Yep. Looks even better than Shaun of the Dead.
They also get props for best promotion ever: Zombieland had a booth on the floor at SDCC 09, and they had makeup artists down there turning people into zombies, which I though was cute… later, while hoisting a few on the patio of some Irish pub in the Gaslamp, I watched a bunch of these guys shuffle by (not my video, by the way):