New two minute trailer

While it last:


Since it may not stay on YouTube that long click here for the quick time version.

ok, that’s pretty badass.

I know it is a minor but I love the shot of the helicopter skids crushing the skull of a terminator.

BADASS!!! Looking forward to seeing it on the big screen. it will be my first Terminator I get to see that way. lets all get Chuck to see it too, remind him not to watch 10 years…lol…

I want a podcast about this movie guys!!

Ahhh it looks so good!!!

This looks so cool. I can’t wait to see it.

Most impressive…

Just saw the trailer for Terminator Salvation.
It looks so good. Wow John Connors all grown up - bad ass indeed.
I love Christian Bale. Really looking forward to this movie.
Hope it delivers.

I didn’t know it was possible to be looking even MORE forward to this movie, but hearing that rant he did makes me want it all that much more.

May 22 - Terminator Salvation

May 8 - Star Trek XI

May is going to be a good month.