New Trilogy???

Might just be a false rumor but here’s hoping it might be true if it will be a good product:

Big honking Saturday morning rumor here! According to, George Lucas will be creating a new trilogy once the first six Star Wars movies go 3D. This echoes what Lucas did in the 1990s after the original trilogy was rereleased.

When you check the link, may be down from a traffic surge, but here are the pertinent details:

George Lucas is plotting to create new Star Wars movies at the ultra top-secret Skywalker Ranch. This is deja vu of the mid '90s when Uncle George start[ed] tweaking the Holy Trilogy to gear up for the Special Editions. [...] These new film will have nothing to do with the live action television series currently in development. That show already has over 50 scripts ready to go and plenty of pre-production time and money has been spent on artwork and storyboards. Once that show goes into production, Lucasfilm hopes to be able to produce at least 100 episodes since that is the threshold for syndication in the United States [...Fans] can expect the new trilogy after the entire saga is released in 3D which is expected to be complete around 2015 or 2016.

Also, the trilogy is reported to kick off 24 months after the 3Ding of Return of the Jedi, and the next three episodes (which could be either Episodes 7-9 or 10-12) could possibly “occur as far as 100 years or 1,000 years in the Star Wars universe future.” Furthermore, the IESB source claims that the movie will not focus on the Skywalker clan.

IESB’s broken a couple pretty big scoops (including Joss Whedon being tapped to direct The Avengers and the PG-13 rating of Revenge of the Sith), but it’s a rumor that should nonetheless be taken with a grain of salt.

UPDATE: Underwire reports that Lucasfilm has denied the possibility of a new trilogy, but that’s expected either way.


read about this earlier…only thing that stopped me from posting was the Lucasfilm denial and the IESB links didnt work so…

still, interesting rumor…

It wouldn’t be my first choice for a new trilogy, but it still sounds pretty awesome.

Does anybody know how far forward the Extended U reaches? Would it be plausible to make a post-Endor trilogy that doesn’t conflict with the books? I haven’t read an EU book in a while, but I remember that most of the authors went to extensive lengths to ensure they matched movie cannon as much as possible.

According to wookiepedia, the farthest the EU went was 137 years after A New Hope. So if its set 1000 years after, no problems there. Not that movies would have to match up the existing EU, but it would be pretty cool if they did.

Actually my dream Star Wars project would be 3 animated movies based on Timmothy Zahn’s Thrawn books. Animated only because the actors are a bit too old now I think, and recasting everyone would be just wrong.
That and the “Build your own edition” thing we talked about a while back.

Yeah, the Star Wars Legacy comics deal with Luke’s grand-grand(grand?) son Cade.

Here i have to disagree, I love the Thrawn Trilogy books so much that I don’t wanna see George Lucas bastardize them like he did with the Mandalorian continuity in the Clone Wars Animated Series. :mad:
So i will be happy if this new trilogy will play out in a time where we haven’t gotten something so far in the existing EU.

There will be one continuity, Both 3PO and R2 will be there. Be it 10,100 or 1000 years later.

Now considering that most of the books now have the gang we love a lot older it could work with them. Are they going to run the action…no. Their offspring will. That does not mean that there won’t be stuff for them to do. It just won’t be as in front. Personally I’d love to see Grand master of the Force Luke kicking some butt and putting both Ben and Yoda to shame. Of course the true action would be with his son and his nieces and nephews. As much as people would love to see others Luke and the gang. That’s not how to sell a new trilogy. We need a connection to the old while introducing the new.

Of course the true action would be with his son and his nieces and nephews. As much as people would love to see others Luke and the gang. That’s not how to sell a new trilogy. We need a connection to the old while introducing the new.

Normally I would agree with you, you need the characters that people know to sell the idea. But the thing with the double edged sword that is George Lucas is that he doesn’t really need to “sell” the idea to anyone, at least not the same way most film makers would. It is his company, and he can do what he wants, for better or for worse.
Also, I think Star Wars being Star Wars, one of the biggest franchises out there is going to generate a lot of interest no matter who the main characters are.

True - R2 is even in the Legacy comics

True. It doesn’t have to tie in to any continuity, really, so long as it’s the same universe. I’ll eat it up if it’s got lightsabers. But,

Heck yeah! My favorite thing to do when I play Star Wars Minis is bust out “Luke Skywalker, Champion of the Force” piece and run around the board as a one-man wrecking crew. It’d be insanely awesome to have that come to life on the screen, even if it’s in the background of the story.