New Star Blazers trailer


…oik…if they do this right…

it is in japanese tho…


Please get it right!!!:slight_smile:
Did you notice the ship was an Earth Federation ‘fragship’? Somebody blew it on the spellcheck.:rolleyes:

Actually, it’s a ship that will cause all of the fragging of the other players, thats why the name is correct. :wink:

I did not think of it in that way. Thanks! :slight_smile:

The video doesn’t seem to be working, but I grew up watching Star Blazers as a kid. Now a days…most people wouldnt even know what the show is lol

I dont believe it


ohmygod…maybe…just maybe

Holy molee.

I believe it.
Can’t wait!

This looks fantastic, can’t wait! I love the tie-ins with the original, like the piston closing to fire the Wave Motion gun, the target scope, Wildstar’s outfit colors, etc. Too much to be fake, you can only farm so much footage from other movies, heh.

Space battles? Count me in.





Whoh I happened to be in Tokyo last month. The movie had not yet been released on DVD.

Supposed to hit theaters in Japan in Dec - no clue when it hits DVDs tho

seeing it on the big screen would be the awesomeness


New trailer…and yes that is Steven Tyler singing…

Wow. Those guys funneled it through a lot of BSG.

Not that I’m complaining.

I was just thinking about how much I miss space combat on the big screen.

Here is a link to the live action film, scheduled for release in December.
They are working on an English language part of the site.

Here are some clips from the Anime Star Blazers (Yamato) movie that was released late last year. I believe it came out on DVD in July, but only in Japan (Region 2)
In the film a black hole appears and threatens the Earth, forcing the evacuation of the entire planet. The Yamato is refitted and assigned the task to protect the fleet and defend against the aliens who have bad intentions against the Earthlings. ( I don’t want to say too much.)


When I heard that music I felt like I was 13 again. :stuck_out_tongue:


After seeing that one all I have to say is… THEY ALREADY HAVE MY MONEY!!!

Thank you for the clips Nsan, I had no idea any new Yamato anime had been produced. All I have been hearing about for two years or more was the live action film, this looks pretty awesome too!:slight_smile: