New Scotty: Did anyone else realize...

So, here I am between projects at work so killing a little time on the interwebs. I am looking over what the actors on the new movie have done in the past. I look at the actor’s name for Scotty: Simon Pegg. Doesn’t ring a bell. I start looking over what he has done and nearly sprayed my Coke all over my screen. Simon Pegg is none other than

[LEFT]I hope they Scotty a cricket bat :D[/LEFT]

Yup i knew that. Thats one of the reasons i am so excited about seeing the new move. That and its new Trek of course

I’ve heard that the new Trek film has some comedic moments. Unlike the Trek we know and love, they border on slapstick. When I heard Pegg was involved, I was hoping he’d add a sardonic tone. But we’ll see. I just hope the humor isn’t over-the-top like an Arnie or Stallone film. That would be a slap in the face.

na na na na na na

“yeh can’t change the laws of physics”

Maybe we will get a reprise of acapella, “White Lies”?

Zombies, on my ship?
Aachh, I picked a bad day to stop drinkin’ scotch me guesses.

Over the top? In Star Trek?

Never! :smiley:


I can’t handle zombies… but I loved Simon Pegg in Hot Fuzz. :slight_smile:

Paul McGillion would have been better

I’m waiting for for that inspirational pre-battle speech Scotty will be giving the crew of the Enterprise:

“Now, remember, comrades, there is no ‘I’ in team, but there’s is an ‘I’ in pie. And there is an ‘I’ in meat-pie…”

As much as i want to have this film be good. Everytime i see him I want to a phaser rifle to him. Bad enough we have a person here that looks like he’s half the size of Scotty. We now have Scotty with a receding hairline to go with his receding chin to.:mad:

This Scotty will be different. James Doohan was a Canadian vet of World War II. One of his hands was missing a middle finger as a result of a German efficiently relieving him of it. I cannot recall which hand of Scotty’s that you don’t see in ST:TOS as they tried to cover such.

As far as I am aware, Simon Pegg wasn’t relieved of a middle figure by a Nazi soldier…so he can only be different…

Sulu is being played by Harold from the Harold & Kumar movies!

I love Simon Pegg and think he’ll be great. Cho is playing Sulu and I’m sure he’ll be fine as well. I’m willing to give JJ the benefit of the doubt on this one, and truth be told, an engineer that’s a bit older than some of the others would make a bit more sense to me.

Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead are both awesome movies. If Pegg is in it I give it a shot.

That does not mean that “Run, Fatboy, Run” was a good movie. It was not.

The original Scotty was older than most of the other crew as well.

I love the original Scotty, and I love Simon Pegg. I see no problem here.

By the way, as I go back and get into the older Trek more, I’ve noticed one thing: young Scotty is DANG sexy.

Depending upon how this movie plays out, there may be volunteers to bridge that particular gap…