New Iron Man Trailer

Between Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and Indy 4, it seems that summer of '08 is gonna be great for us! (oh and forgot… Sex & The City!! :slight_smile: )

This new trailer (available also in HD here) is pitch perfect, Robert Downey Jr was definitely born to play Tony Stark.


That was awesome I can’t wait. I agree Robert Downey jr is perferct for the role. One thing though, you left Batman of your list of summer movies to look forward to.

Agreed…this one looks like a must-see! I had a cool breakfast with author Peter David, who is doing the novelization version for the movie, and he said at that time (last summer at a convention), that he’d seen a few scenes and RDjr. was going to blow people away with this character, that even the studio people were amazed at how great he was in this role. So maybe we’ve got a new franchise here!!

I so cant wait for this movie!

How can I have forgotten about Batman? I’m so looking forward to this movie too, “Batman Begins” was one of the best comic book adaptation to the big screen. Although it will really be a bit more difficult to watch “The Dark Knight” now…

Does anyone else think Gwenth Paltrow looks a lot better a red head?
And Robert Downey Jr is hot in the partial iron man suit.

Wait. That’s a trick question!

For while i didn’t really care about this movie but whoever does these trailers deserves a raise cause its pretty much the movie i’m looking forward to the most this summer. after watching a few of them i’ve been converted

Really good job for brainwashing department at Paramount.