New Intro for BSG

I was doing some web surfing the other day and ran into the old show Space: 1999 made in 1975. I remember the show well because my brother had almost all the toys from the show. Anyway, I was looking through you tube and found the original Space: 1999 title theme and opening sequence. It reminded me a lot of the opening to many BSG’s but with WAY funkier music! Maybe we could convince the BSG people to use it as a new theme for the show. Check it out and let me know what you guys think!

Funny you should mention, since the BSG opening’s “flash-aheads” are a direct homage to that “This Episode” opening sequence.

scary thing is - if they did a remake of that, give it a BSG dark serious vibe - that could be pretty tight…

I do recall that the show was a bit dark and edgy. Of course anything with Martin Landau can be considered dark and edgy. I love how the fashion of the times is so completely obvious in costume and makeup design. You can actually view a fair bit of the episodes on YouTube, they weren’t bad at all.