New GWC Store Items

I ordered this one and got an email from Zazzle saying it contained copyrighted material. frakkers canceled my order :frowning:

I guess you can’t print the word “Darth Vader” on a t-shirt and sell it unless you’re Lucas Global Empire…

On a related, and sufficiently creepily ironic note, George Lucas doesn’t seem to be aging well…

Yeah I was afraid of that. [sigh] ah well.

has there been a shirt made with Sean’s “But you have heard of me” I used it today, and everyone loved it.

Lol, though I’d love to claim that as my own, actually, thats a quote from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.

Fantastic movie if you’ve never seen it.

Norrington: [looks at Jack sword belt] No additional shot nor powder, a compass that doesn’t point north,

[looks at Jack’s sword]

Norrington: And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of.

Jack Sparrow: But you have heard of me.

Great stuff, if you haven’t seen it you need to rent it… today.

Oh yeah! Must have the “evil crapbag” shirt…and others…they all look great! How to choose…hmmmm.

9/8 update…I ordered only 3 last night, one quote shirt each of Chuseandra. :smiley:

Thank you, friends! :smiley:

I got my shirts today too! I didn’t see that we could customize them though. :frowning:

Nice shirts Bkitty! And I’ve got a “cunning plan”…if Sean can design a shirt for the next meetup and get it on Zazzle before the next TX meetup, then we could order them and put our forum names on them. What say you?!

Well Zazzle zapped me! I ordered 3 long sleeved Ladies shirts in XL size and they are about the size of a medium shirt. Returning and exchanging them. I’m totally bummed out! :frowning:

Haven’t checked the store in a while.

I want a GWC button !!

bkitty! How do you customize your T-shirts? That’s totally ossim!

Finally ordered my very own NYC Crue Tee. Longsleeve, in gray.

Come on US Postal Service! :slight_smile:

bkitty and I have had way more meetups than the NYC Crue. when do we get our very own shirt design? :smiley:

I got my replacement shirts yesterday. Yea! And the shirts are better quality (Hanes) than the women’s shirts…and they are sized right. :slight_smile:

Ok so there’s a new shirt up in the store.

Rock on,


Holy Cats!

Sorry guys- haven’t dipped in here in a while!

To the right of the Choose Your Style and Color banner there’s a See All link.

You can choose any style of shirt there, and see what other colors are offered!

Once you choose your tee style, you’ll see a Customize It button on the bottom right of the image displaying the tee.

Click it, and you can add text or images!

I love that feature!

Good Hunting!

Fish police? I think I missed something…some where. What is this from?

I feel stupid for having to ask!

Thanks bkitty! I’ll have to remember to look for that link next time I order. :slight_smile:

Have you heard the 'cast with Sean’s parents?

Also, this makes me think of Judge Fish, so I approve mightily.

Is it a reference to the comics? :confused: