Hey guys…um…I just read on an article and on twitter. The New Doctor is going to be announced tomorrow…I don’t know when but it will AHHHHHH!
Geek Gasm Geek Gasm
Any qourter bets on who ti will be?
Hey guys…um…I just read on an article and on twitter. The New Doctor is going to be announced tomorrow…I don’t know when but it will AHHHHHH!
Geek Gasm Geek Gasm
Any qourter bets on who ti will be?
I hate to be a spoiler, but I already know who the New Doctor is gonna be.
Here’s a pic:
Okay,s seriously, this video leaked out about the next doctor. I won’t mention what it is for those who don’t’ want to be spoiled, but here it is
Although, I’d go for Mal over Jayne to be the4 next doctor hehe
That’s a very cunning doctor.
curiouser and curiouser…
The Doctor is a baby at 26. The Doctor keeps getting younger.
Yeah, this is the first time I’ve had a Doctor who’s younger than me (by 9 years and all) so will take some adjusting to.
Not a name I know, but I will give him a try. DT is one hell of a difficult act to follow though.
I have watched through many a new The Doctor. You enjoy each for different reasons. He has a boring clothing style if the picture says anything.
I have to say I’m a bit disappointed with the new guy. I have nothing against him, but having known that Tennant was leaving a while ago had me really thinking long and hard about who could take over for him and this isn’t the direction I would have wanted them to go.
I guess I would have liked to see them get away from a white male…instead of just making him younger…yet again. I’ll keep watching though, its still an interesting choice.
I have faith in Matt Smith. Muffet was always talking about finding an older actor, so maybe, as described by a friend he’s an “old man trapped isnide a young man’s body”.
There’s got to be something in this kid that Muffet saw that we will not see untill we see him as the Doctor. What kills me is I am going to long to know what direction they are going to take this character.
I agree, Em. I’m excited to see in what direction Matt Smith takes our beloved Doctor. I was sold on him because of the last scene in the Confidential episode when he looks into the camera and gives that little half smile. Gah! Those dimples!
But, in all honesty, Moffat’s episodes have been my favorite episodes of the series. If he was set on Matt Smith from the first moments of the audition process, I trust his judgement. And though I [b]really[/b] don’t like seeing David Tennant go, I have to accept that it’s a foregone conclusion. And I hate to have to wait a whole year to see Matt Smith’s Doctor.
We fist have to see is the last of DT shows. I saw the Christmans special. Very interesting and creative.
Oh, I agree! I can’t wait for the DT specials this year! And the Christmas Special (I’ve watched it twice now and cried both times!) was really good!
I just saw Dr Who Confidential and I think i will be pleased with Matt Smith. I think he will bring something very play full to the Doctor. He does this great thing with his hands and fingers, kinda Homer Simpsonesque, that is great. I just hope he can play the darker parts ok as well.
I wonder if they will try and bring in a new love interest or will he still have something for Rose deep down. I think he will grow out due to how Series 4 ended. i think that will placate him enough to move on.
It will also be interesting to see how Captain Jack reacts to him. i cant wait to see how it goes. Moffett tended to write some of the darker episodes, including one of the ones that actually kinda scared me, ie Blink. So i think the show will goto a much darker place.
Heh! I never even thought about how Captain Jack would react to him! Oh, that’s just gonna be pure FUN!
He’s too young for me to find sexy and way too young to be a substitutional father figure, so I’m sad. But I will wait before passing judgment. I am a little concerned as there are not many younger actors with the chops for such a role. Without talent, the role can be played too broad and obvious.
My kids have given him the thumbs down as well, but I think that is due to the Emo hair and the fact that he will be taking over from their beloved #10.
I’ve been on this “new doctor” ride so many times in the past and I almost always end up buying whomever they put out there. The only one I had trouble with was #6 - and that was because he started out so nasty mean. Grumpy curmugeon? OK. Nasty mean and violent psycho? No.
Supposedly young Matt gave the powers that be a new take on the Doctor at his audition. Should be fun to see him develop it…as long as they cut his hair first.