New Clone Wars Comic!

So I picked up my copy of Dark Times #12yesterday – great issue, BTW – and saw something familiar to any BSG fan in the back:

…that #12 will be the last issue of Dark Times until 2009. Really.

After I flipped out, whined incessantly about how every sci-fi enjoyment I have is going to be yanked out of the remainder of 2008 one by one until there’s nothing left… I calmed down a bit and read the rest.

It seems that Dark Times is moving aside to make room for a new Clone Wars comic to expand upon the Clone Wars movie this fall. Dark Horse promises that the new comic will add dramatically to the information we have about the Clone Wars period of SW history, and that I’m pretty excited about.

I’m about 3/4 of the way through the original Clone Wars comic, and it’s awesome – great, modern art, great stories, and lots of information you won’t find in the movies, novels, or even games. A must-read for anyone interested in that period, and it’s available completely in TPB form.

One other note: Dark Horse will also release a The Force Unleashed comic related to the game (due for a September release) by the same name. I’d heard this before and figured that it’d be a one-shot. But based on the comments in the back of Dark Times #12, I wonder now if it’ll be a short-run. Woot!

ALthough the Clone Wars comic and movie shoud be intersting - I’m actually looking forward to the comic and novelization of “teh Force Unleashed”…teh concept of Vader having an apprentice…especially one that seems to be as powerful as this person looks to be…should be pretty cool…

Well…that and the fact the guy can evidently bring down an entire star Destroyer with teh Force (per cover of the novel)…is pretty freakin sweet…

Now if they just made the apprentice female, look liek Angelina Jolie, and have her shoot people like in Wanted…in addition to the above…

…what were we talking about again?

Man, I’m looking forward to TFU as well – both game and comic/novel story. In fact, I’m really, really looking forward to the game. The videos of gameplay look incredible.

:frowning: Who wants to loan me a few hundred bucks so I can buy a new console. At least I can afford the comics and novel. This is the era I’ve always wanted them to explore, the time between Ep.3 and and 4. They have done a few stories in this time period, but I’m ready to dig deeper.

I totally understand how you feel. I managed to stay away from “next-gen” consoles until Halo 3 hit shelves – and I even made it three whole days after release before I popped out the credit card and headed to the store. (And came back with a beautiful Halo-branded 360 that’s been giving enjoyment ever since.)

I’m probably going to manage to stay off the Playstation 3 until the next Final Fantasy release – which Sean has been pumping me up for. I’ll probably buy in just to share the excitement with him and get into the series.

Back to SW, though: SW comics can be an expensive proposition. I was counting the other day and I’m pretty sure I’ve spent about $1k on 'em since I got into 'em pretty recently. It’s scary and I try not to think about it too much – as I run to the store to pick up the remainder of the most recent Clone Wars series to make sure I get through it before we do Ep. II and Ep. III. (BTW: I also plan to be through the Thrawn Trilogy before we do Ep. VI. I’ve read Dark Force Rising already, and hope to get through the other two in the next couple of weeks.)

The Clone Wars really is an interesting time, but like you, it’s not the period I most want to understand. Actually I’d most like to understand the period just prior to Ep. I. There’s not a ton of lead-up available – a little, but nothing like what’s available regarding 4,900 years earlier or there through 150 years later. :frowning:

I hear you on the console front. I was hardcore last gen and had all three of the bigs. Sigh, I’m sure I’ll crack sometime b4 X-mas. My bother in-law is a big SW fan and has a 360, so at least I can experience the game in some fashion.

Dude, you have no idea. I’ve probably bought a brand new car by now in EU purchases alone over the course of my life. It’s a lot between the books, the comic and vid. games. Plus magazines and RPG material. I also like to pick up the EU related toys. On top of that I buy the odd SW trinket. I’m not as bad as I used to be when I was younger. When I was in HS I just got to a point where I just needed to be more fugal with my money and decided to focus on the EU.

Yeah comic wise there’s not a lot there. Off the top of my head there is the SW ongoing series b4 turning into SW:Republic, Darth Maul mini, a couple of Ep.1 one shots, the Jedi Council series, and two Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan one shots. Other than that besides the clone wars the closet in time is Jedi VS. Sith which takes place like 1,000 before TPM and Star wars Tales, which is a mish mash of short comics through out all eras.
Novel wise the best bet is the Jedi Apprentice young adult series. That takes you through Obi-Wan becoming Qui- Gon’s padawan right to just b4 Ep.1. Then there is Cloak of Deception and a Darth Maul novel and e-book. Oh, yeah the game Star Wars Stafighter takes place just prior to Ep.1 and during the movie. It’s an easy game and the story is great with the cinematic scenes between missions. I’m sure you can find the PC version in a bargain bin somewhere.

Heh, I hope that helps you.

could have sworn there was a novel based on what happened just before Ep 1…could be wrong tho