NaNoWriMo 2011 - GWC support thread!

Hope everyone’s doing well two weeks in! I’m starting to slow a lot–kind of sucks when I have to take a long break after every hundred words because my finger joints are screaming. Stupid arthritis.

I stalled out at about 18,000 words. Real Life™ is getting in the way - as it always seems to do.

I’m going to plug on regardless, however.

I am so happy to NOT be doing NaNoWriMo this year I could scream- but hat’s off to everyone else- you are amazing!

Ooof. I stalled out due to 45+ hour workweeks, temporary lack of an internet connection at home, and overall lack of pre-writing for a very ambitious story. I’m down but not out! Thanksgiving break is in a week and I plan to make up lost ground.

I broke 20K!

I’m lucky in that for me, Thanksgiving is time off work without much responsibility. So I hope to get a LOT of writing done then. Good final push to hit 50K before the 30th.

Im about 4000 words behind schedule, which I plan on catching this weekend. At 22,502 words overall and as of the 16th I need to be at 26,672. Going strong, just struggling trying to find all the time in the day between work, family, gym, and GODDAMN SKYRIM!

Not to mention the SW:TOR public Beta that nearly ruined my weekend.

You all rock! Hang in there!

I am scratching on 25k, which is awesome and all, but the more important thing is I’ve finished a story! My “novel” is actually 2 shorter stories, which are together just part of a larger book that I hope to sell some day. I wrote one story already, and now that I’ve completed the second I’m officially half way*!

I will be starting the next story soon. No idling during November. But it’s still nice to have something to point at and say “It’s done!”

*Okay, I’m not actually half way. I’ve got a complete story and a story with a first draft done. It’s a very rough draft and needs a lot of tweaking. But not in November :slight_smile:

So how did everyone end up? I thought less people were participating, at least that’s how it seemed on Twitter.

I found that my muse refuses to help me on a 2nd story until I’ve finished the first. I hit the end of that first story at 25k and went no further.

I was hoping to completely write both stories this year, but I’m happy that I got the one done, and look forward to wading into the 2nd draft next month.

25K is a lot of work! Good for you!