NaNoWriMo 2009

Is anybody else doing this? Three minutes until starting time for me, and I think I might be able to make it to 50k this year. I’m writing a post-magicocalypse story. , for anyone who wants another writing buddy!

I did the last two years (and made 50k on both of them), but I knew that getting settled into my new house would take up too much of my time this year.

I’m so excited! This is my first time. I took a break and found this thread. Yup. Ridiculously exicted. Are you guys as stuck as I am?

Checking in on any NaNo GWCers. How’s it going for y’all? Got any lines or excerpts that you’re particularly proud of? Funny stories of something that happened to you as you wrote this week? Frustrations?

Personally, I’m amused that last night I actually had to stop writing and go get a hug before I could continue while in the middle of writing a scene where a character who was very badly slashed up by a mutant hog was about to have salt water poured into his open wounds. It’s not nearly as bad as some things I’ve done to other characters, but I was so deep into it that it really got to me.

And I’m celebrating being just a couple of words away from being at the quarter way there mark.

I am writing a serial killer story and I have found I can’t write scenes where women are killed. I just can’t–it makes me sick–so I understand the need for a hug. I’m dodging, though: my killer kills only men which has made for odd plot turns.

Well, isn’t that what serial killers do? Follow a pattern.

Regarding the difficult, you should write that into the story. Have the killer go into a cross dressing bar or drag queen hang out to work up the gumption to killing a woman. Just a thot.

Absolutely. In general, if there’s a sexual component to their killings, their victims will be the sort of people that they find attractive. A straight man who hunts other straight men would be very unusual, although not unheard of.

Regarding the difficult, you should write that into the story. Have the killer go into a cross dressing bar or drag queen hang out to work up the gumption to killing a woman. Just a thot.

Or just make mention of the killer’s feelings on the same point. Perhaps describe a moment where the opportunity arose, and he couldn’t go through with it. Use your own feelings of disgust to flesh out his character. There’s no reason why a killer couldn’t have his own ethical limits; in fact, that’s probably more realistic.

I am utterly stuck! Batman as a serial killer is harder than I thought. I am learning. There’s a sexual component, for sure.

(words looking for a home?)

Just taking a breather. Your suggestions have been very helpful in the intervening time. I broke the gender-killing boundary in the story and it opened up possibilities.

Surely now it seems the characters are hijacking the story. I find this fun, while others have told me they can’t deal with it. Seems to be the story has to be followed and if someone comes to prominence then so be it.

How’re the rest of you doing?

64kCylon: I think I have kind of the same organic writing type that it sounds like you do. My husband is amused that I’m constantly surprised by things the characters do, because on the rare occasions he writes he has to have things structured very rigidly and know what happens when, and to who. I like my way just fine, even if it is occasionally frustrating. For one thing, it lets me know when a part of the story just isn’t working, since the characters suddenly refuse to do what I want them to :stuck_out_tongue:

I just hit 42k words, and I’m spending my day chained to my keyboard so I can finish this stupid thing. Good luck to you, and anyone else trying this!

1440 to go!

Organic is the way to go!

My story has stayed hijacked, but I like it even more.




50k, anyway; story is actually only half done. I’m going to go collapse now.

Wow. I’m hard pressed to do fifty words in a month.

Congrats 64KCylon and Sithwitch! Well done.


Okay, I’m exhausted.

Congrats Sithness!